What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Messing around with my version of a manned turret, It gives you a really cool view while you're riding. Screenshot (269).png
    Tyrax Lightning and Neal like this.
  2. Mysh

    Mysh Captain

    Nov 30, 2015
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    And here's a little how to I have made for your inspiration today:

    It's about the construction of smaller CVs on the example of the Vespucci.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
  3. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Just a little tease:
    Have i mentioned that i HATE painting and texturing stuff in EGS?
    It feels like sweeping the floor of an airport with a toothbrush.
  4. Mysh

    Mysh Captain

    Nov 30, 2015
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    loool. You're so ********* right. I've built a really cool, big, fat CV I'd really like to show to all of you, but I can't get myself to paint&texture it. It's such a pain in the ass. Please, please Eleon: give us some tools to speed up the process.
  5. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    I'm cultivating a fondness for the color gray. A means of texturing and/or coloring all contiguous blocks would save tons of time. You could then use the hand tools to do the detailing. For me, that would preserve the fun, creative part while getting rid of the tedium.
  6. Phoneus

    Phoneus Lieutenant

    Dec 31, 2016
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    Built my first HV yesterday and tried out the mining. Pretty darn cool! However, I don't know if I did something wrong with it because the boost jump thing won't jump. I tried the "shift+space" thing and it didn't work. I actually use different buttons. I have LShift mapped to one of my extra buttons and use Numpad 0 for jump. So I put the whole thing back to default and still no deal. Feeling desperate...

    4 - HV engines. 1 at ea corner

    1 - booster

    no bottom thrusters.

    Is this right? Do I just need more boosters.
    Tyrax Lightning and zaphodikus like this.
  7. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    Have you tried adding more boosters? Not trying to be snarky. Also what is the weight of your HV?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Phoneus

    Phoneus Lieutenant

    Dec 31, 2016
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    No I haven't and that is the first thing I was going to try tonight. I don't know how much it weighs but it's small. Just the basics for drilling and maybe 75 hull blocks.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Creating a easier building and painting system is on the Devs to do list. Hopefully they fix the painting and texturing soon.
  10. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Let's hope so, really.
    I'm honestly don't want to spend my free time in the next week painting things.
    It not fun at all and downright frustrating.

    Maybe i'm just going to build one ships after another and paint them whenever the devs have added some simple options for the coloring and texturing tools.
  11. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    You don't need bottom thrusters. The HV engines cover that. You do need front/back/left/right thrusters as well as enough RCS. The HV booster also takes time to charge up.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    My first HV built in pure survival ... I have to admit building it in survival is pretty fun but they really need to tighten up the drone movements because everytime I lightly touch my mouse the drone goes flying in another direction. Screenshot (270).png Screenshot (273).png Screenshot (275).png
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    I don't use the drone at all. To use it you need to tweak your mouse sensitivity way down first. The drone is far too twitchy for me and I dunno how people use it at all with the default setups. You need to find some middle ground or not do any combat in the game at all, then the drone works. A pity because the drone is cute.
  14. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Thanks. I think i am just going to not use the drone at all. I will find away around it.
    Tyrax Lightning and zaphodikus like this.
  15. axesly3r

    axesly3r Ensign

    Jun 9, 2016
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    Started a New game in SP , Cleared Akua except for one pesky rocket drone, catch sight of it on the radar , and by the time I stop doing what I am doing and head that direction it's Disappeared .... I will catch it before I leave the Planet !!!
    decided too build a small CV and at some point it kept growing and growing
    size 3 atm , all hardened steel , I'll post better SS when I am finished and make it "pretty"
    Really happy with the two HV's Pictured here at the CV's bay
    the yellow one is w/o a doubt the most agile I've ever made
    and after a few days of tinkering with the Mining HV , I'm pretty happy with it as well
    OH on a positive note , that's the first CV I've made that don't look like a lunchbox
    Tyrax Lightning and zaphodikus like this.
  16. Automated

    Automated Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I got tired of building something nice just to have the server wiped due to updates. I'm not salty about it. I love starting over. The early game for me is fun! Instead, I whipped up The Flying Head CV to go on mining missions with.


    Hey, a guy has to let go and be silly sometimes. Why not travel in 10 gallons of butt kicking goodness!
  17. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I love having internet... I wish I had it all the time. <.<

    Anyway, had the chance to upload a CV to the workshop. Been a while since I built it, but right after I finished it the colors/textures changed for one of the 4.x updates and it looked like it had been painted by a 6-year-old. So I completely redid the interior. Have a look and drop some critique if you have time.



    Sorta my "small-time freight & smuggler" ship. Lots of secret crawlspaces, handles like a freighter not a fighter, compact engineering, spacious cargo bays. The starboard cargo bay was refactored into a hydroponics bay and the door "patched over".
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    My latest going ons on the WASD Server, play-wise, is [Classified]. Sorry, can't help it, my situation's still tenuous & dangerous for reasons I can't explain without putting myself in danger. :p

    On the Admin side of things, I have managed another Glorious Victory at helping out a Server Player in need. 2 dudes on the Server worked together to blow the Popsicle Stand known as the Hell Hole* & traveled to a couple different Systems trying to decide what to do with themselves & where to Home at. They eventually chose a Planet, but shortly after arriving, Disaster struck: One of the dudes's HV Bugged at its Docking & seemingly disappeared on them while carrying most of that dude's stuff! :eek: (& the CV it was Docked to belonged to the other dude.)

    Fortunately they were using Global Chat & I was having fun listening to their chat as I did my [Classified], & as their problem developed, I noted that it sounded like the age old Issue of the Docking Mechanics bugging out, like they still sometimes do. I activated my Super Hero PowersAdmin Powers & went to their aid. I searched for the missing HV on the Hell Hole* & didn't find it anywhere, including at the HV Owner's Temp Hell Hole* Base. I tried backtracking through their Journey, but no go anywhere. Lastly I tried looking at their current Planet they were on, & by this point I & the dude in trouble had realized that CV Owning dude had Exited Game without a word. (Dunno if it was frustration, Internet Loss/Power Loss on his end, going to bed with no Manners to say 'night' or 'bye' with, or what...) I happened to locate this dude's CV, & saw that from my point of view the HV in question (matched the dude's Description) was still on the CV, but diagonally forward/down half'buried in its Hull & bug stuck inside it. The Owning Dude could not see it in the same place.

    I commenced looking through the Console Help Menu & located the "setdevicespublic Command" & plotted & schemed an idea to Force Set it Public to not only possibly force it to Undock, but also allow me to enter the HV thinking then maybe I could Teleport it out by noting my Position & typing a Teleport Command that simply added 20 or so Height to the Y Coordinate. No go, Server said I didn't have Permissions to use that Command. >_<

    I noted Mr. Fun was on in my Steam Interface & Inquired with him for assistance with the issue & possible Options, & while I did so the damn HV was suddenly not there anymore next time I looked for it. I used "ents Command" for the billionth time & located a candidate HV & Teleported to it but it was someone else's HV inside their CV. (This HV Owner had never named his HV off the Default Name.) tried a second possibility & saw the HV Marker on my Minimap but nowhere around me, & I looked for awhile. Finally I tried going about 20 - 40ish Meters from the Marker then tried flying below to under the Water then under the Ground, nowhere. I tried up in the sky, & found the HV auto-magic floating about 450ish Meters up in the sky in the Upper Atmosphere... Somehow the HV Owner had ninja set it Public before it bugged off, literally, & it was now Public, so I was able to get in & power it down to make it sink, then drive it onto the nearest Shore right as the dude came to here in his SV. He checked it over & determined it appeared in ok shape & still had all his stuff in it, so he took it & I took his SV & we drove both Vehicles to his Base-In-Progress. Situation Nominal. :cool:

    *"Hell Hole" = Akua-R, or frankly ANY -R Playfield.
    banksman45 and Kyrt Malthorn like this.
  19. Phoneus

    Phoneus Lieutenant

    Dec 31, 2016
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    So last night I took my drill rig out to try it. Had some trouble getting the hole started so I turned off the front engines and that worked out great. Problem was I forgot to turn them back on.

    Few minutes later I'm wondering why I can't maneuver at all. Twistin and turning but not making any progress except further into the hole. So I jump out. Guess what? I'm at the bottom of a 50m vertical shaft. FML! No way to get the thing out. Lucky I never run around with a full pack and always have multi-tool charges. Disassembled the whole thing in that pit and dug my way out with the T1 drill. Ran out of o2 on the way back.

    Decided to build a SV instead. I needed it anyway because I have to get to the moon for Sathium. Did that. Got to moon. Dodged tower fire and managed to come back with Sathium, Neodymium and 30+ Blue Crystals.

    Mining my ass off and building a CV this weekend as long as nothing RL comes along.
    zaphodikus and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  20. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    setdevicespublic <entity> <device>
    Never found it was needed in rescue situations, I use
    faction entity <faction> <entity>
    And then flip it back later
    I also just use setposition <entity> <x,y,z> to move things about superman style. But the setdevicespublic looks very usefull for POI fixing. Thanks for the share.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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