Punchwood does Empyrion

Discussion in 'Media - Screenshots, Videos, Streams!' started by mcsproot, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Technically the channel name is paulsoaresjr, but his Minecraft character is called Punchwood (because the first meaningful thing you do in Minecraft is punch wood).

    I forget his number of subscribers (can't see that when subscribed for some reason) but his videos can be pretty popular. One of his most popular videos has over 5 million views. I think he's best known for Survive & Thrive, a combination Let's Play and Video Tutorial for Minecraft, as well as Man VS Minecraft, which is a Roleplay Let's Play.

    I think it's very good news that he's covering the game on his channel. Obviously there's the usual 'space engineers/no mans sky ripoff' comments but quite a few seem enthusiastic.
  2. fractalman

    fractalman Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2015
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    It's just under 1.2 million.
  3. Phulax

    Phulax Commander

    May 17, 2015
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    LastStandGamers also did a video on it.
    Unfortunately everyone is saying that it is an exact SE clone, and that EGS needs to f*ck off...
    Saying that the graphics suck, that the controls etc are very familiar.

    Such a shame that no one gets the point, that two games with the same vision can live besides each other.
    mcsproot likes this.
  4. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I spent most of the evening trying to get that point across. But then again, the Space Engineers community is pretty toxic. You just need to see what the reaction to the Jump Drive update to see that the vocal parts of the community are not good at all.
    RobDog likes this.
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Meh if they build big and want to actually ever have a faction war without the megga lag they will end up in Empyrion over SE.
    There are a lot of narrow minded people out there, unwilling to try something new, nothing you can do about it.

    Jump drives may not really belong in SE because of its realism or attempted realism, but they are absolutely needed for planets or players will never actually make it to another planet because of the huge distances KEEN plan to spread them out with.

    There are a lot of players that are bagging Empyrion now, that will own and play it in a few months from now, and regret what they said about it. Most will not admit that and will sign onto the forum under a different name, but that's just to save face because it embarrassing to be wrong.....

    Empyrion once played for a day or two is far more enjoyable than SE, I have over 4000 hours in SE, Empyrion is a better game.
    In survival SE has nothing at all on Empyrion, SE is boring as **** in comparison to Empyrion.
    In Empyrion you are always doing something, and its pre-alpha, and its only going to get better and better.........
    wreznor and RobDog like this.
  6. RobDog

    RobDog Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
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    I have yet to check out that video, but the one by Scott Manley started out with people ripping empyrion apart and ended with people posting positive and hopefull replies.

    Most forums and YouTube comment section have a high ratio of people that like to be overly negative and honestly a bit melodramatic. We have only had a couple on the Empyrion forums so far and we shut them down pretty quick by flooding their thread with our opinions of this title. Being positive replies that is..

    Once this hits steam, we have to be prepared. There's going to be a lot of whining, complaining, speculation, and outright lies about this title that will flood the steam forum. Not to mention 100'something of, "Is this game worth it" threads. Devs/moderators need to have the steam forum ready with the tutorials and Q&A posts already there. I'm hoping when the dust settles we will have a comfortable forum on steam, but those of us that enjoy the game will have to help others and defend the title for a couple of months probably.

    Once folks see this on steam, the devs need to be ready to handle it. This will be popular very fast.

    Of course this is speculation on my part, it could go another way.
  7. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    I absolutely agree on your speculation.
  8. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yea I agree, theres tens of thousands of SE players that don't play SE because of lag, they are going to end up in here with us.
    All its going to take is a few videos and a little word of mouth/forums over a few months.

    Because of how much fun survival is in Empyrion, theres every chance this game will surpass SE for numbers playing/buying/sales figures in the future.

    I cant see Empyrion failing to be honest.
  9. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Empyrion just needs to stick to its own path (of developing a great Survival) and not try to compete with SE in the subspace of "building complex machinery".

    Said that and having read through next to thousand comments last night, there seem to be only a few arguments that could change on how SE players think about Empyrion

    1. EGS needs to iterate on the "special blocks" and promote them more often. They're unique and are very different to those in SE (by their very function and design). Currently, the most-read argument is "Hey, the blocks look like SE...EGS is a ripoff". That's inevitable, because the base blocks CAN'T differ from those of SE. Cubes are cubes...and the slopes, edge cubes are no genuine invention, but followed by shere logic. But die-hard fans of SE won't pick up that argument.
    Solution => if there is a discussion about the similar look, head to a discussion about form and function of the special blocks

    2. Users comparing a game, that has a big dev team and has been developed quite a while with a game that has just made its debut and has a much smaller team. That's difficult to counter, but possible

    3. A heavy-used argument: EGS is said to be built on top of the SE Mod API. That's nonsense but quite interesting, because
    a) SE lives from its mod community. Creative would not be as successfull as it is without tons of mods you need (!) to upgrade the base game (LSG and other Youtubers and a lot of workshop ships use several dozen mods sometimes.....) So EGS should add a lot more functionality to the base game, and we are fine
    b) EGS needs to make clear that this is NOT made of a mod kit ripped out of the SE Mod API.

    4. Last, but very important: SE is lacking a good survival AI and it's not offering plants or NPCs yet . So, although i don't know what will happen if SE-planets are released (at least Medieval Engineers is much more developed in those terms), EGS should iterate on this argument...

    Finally...there should be more than enough space (!) for both games to live and let live if there is no silly run-for-the-other-games-features
  10. The_Director

    The_Director Commander

    Dec 19, 2014
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    At the end of the day the argument needs to be avoided as much as possible, we don't need to convert die hard SE fans (I was one of them) we just need to develop a great game, and let it speak for its self.
    ObjectZero likes this.
  11. RobDog

    RobDog Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
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    I finally watched the punchwood video. Nicely done. He states multi times that it is pre-alpha and that sets him apart from most of the let's play videos I see...

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