Completed my raid of the Rados Missile Base on Ningues a few hours ago. And made video of it. Sheesh, that took too long... Was forced to split said video into two parts.
Found it! Spoiler: replaceblocks Ok, this is how i did it: Downgrade from combat steel to hardened steel (just an example) replaceblocks * hullcombatfulllarge hullarmoredfulllarge * Ship ID. Materials: hullfulllarge = steel blocks L hullarmoredfulllarge = hardened steel L hullcombatfulllarge = combat blocks L The order is: 1 the material that is currently used, then 2 the desired material. You can use it to upgrade and downgrade materials. I hope it works.
I was able to convert the square blocks but not the non-square ones. The problem is the pre-alpha blocks aren't fully compatible with the replaceblocks command. They didn't have different sizes or materials or even right click functionality. When these were made each shape had it's own specific ID and took up it's own slot in inventory. They might look the same but the game treats them as different items from what we're using now. For example the square blocks aren't named hullfulllarge or referred to as steel blocks L. They're just hull blocks and that name, "hull", only applies to the square ones. I knew the name so I was able to use replaceblocks to convert those at least. A corner block might be named something like cornerblockalong. It's very specific. I need to know the specific IDs for each and every shape of block and window to convert the rest and because replaceblocks isn't fully compatible with these obsolete structural elements it might not work anyways. From what I'm reading even if I did have the correct IDs the command will probably convert the non-square shapes into squares anyways which is useless. I'm probably going to have to replace the rest of the blocks manually. Not unexpected but it's going to take awhile. I want to give the ship the Space Moles treatment too and that's going to be a challenge to do that and keep the ship somewhat identifiable but the challenge of modifying the design is what's enticing about it. Might have to create two versions of it; one that's faithful to the original and then go nuts with the second one.
Yeah, the Empyrion KB article on replaceblocks makes it clear that the pre-alpha blocks have to be replaceblocked by their pre-alpha names, AND that will convert 'shaped blocks' into standard cubes. Godspeed, Siege.
Diffident they introduce a batch command to replace those? Something like: replaceblocks xxx -alpha4
I found that the multi-tool can give you a clue as to the proper command. Point it at the block in question, and look at what it lists the block as, then try the replaceblocks command with the name displayed (without spaces). It's how I found the legacy block names I posted here:
All of the legacy block names are available in the "Localization" file, which is called "PDA.csv", and is located, typically, here: <installationdrive>\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Extras\PDA
I hope one day the devs will allow us to lay on the Deco beds and sit in the deco chairs . I know it's something small but it would be nice or better yet require 10 minutes of sleep in this game. Human begins need sleep as well as food and water. We can get a pop message that says "Your character is sleep and requires rest. " lol
Fluffy, thanks for that info. I tried both methods but it didn't work out. The -alpha4 command wasn't working and replacing the blocks the other way ended up turning them into square blocks.