Slam Jones
Last Activity:
Feb 18, 2024
Oct 16, 2015
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May 12, 1989 (Age: 35)
California, United States of America

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Slam Jones

Rear Admiral, Male, 35, from California, United States of America

Slam Jones was last seen:
Feb 18, 2024
    1. Tyrax Lightning
      Tyrax Lightning
      Huh, I didn't know ya were a Space Mole Slam... does that mean ya play RvB & other MP Servers at the same time?
      1. Slam Jones
        Slam Jones
        I believe I was given an Honorary membership there for providing the entertainment of blowing up their Leviathan on Youtube :P

        RvB is absolutely still #1 priority :)
        Oct 13, 2016
      2. Tyrax Lightning
        Tyrax Lightning
        Ahh, so you're not a Space Mole, you're a Red granted Space Mole Citizenship. Ok, that's clearer. :)

        *Wonders if the Blues are putting even half this effort into building 'Connections'...?*
        Oct 13, 2016
    2. Slam Jones
    3. Slam Jones
      Slam Jones
      We really need a "Master Suggestion List..." There are currently 6 Suggestion threads that involve Grenades.
      1. Tyrax Lightning likes this.
      2. LiftPizzas
        Someone would need to track/compile all that into the list. (I nominate Frankyln. LOL)
        Sep 4, 2016
      3. Slam Jones
        Slam Jones
        LOL I knew someone would have to do it... was hoping someone would volunteer :P
        Sep 5, 2016
    4. Tyrax Lightning
      Tyrax Lightning
      I'm pondering in advance on my future try at a Hover War Tank since my CV's thankfully nearish completion hopefully... & I wonder... (Screw you too 420 Character Limit. >:( )
      1. Tyrax Lightning
        Tyrax Lightning
        Seems how the game is a jerkass & screws around with the Hover Point on a HV when it's Spawned in via BP, it makes me wonder if it's even worth giving any damn about how I build the Tank in Creative when it'll just be Spawned in anyway in regards to the position of the HV Starter starting in the Build's position... Feedback?
        May 25, 2016
      2. Slam Jones
        Slam Jones
        I'm still pretty darn new to HVs, and the whole hovering point thing seems to just be a fact of life as it is. The only (theoretical) idea was to have several blocks extending below the bottom of the tank, to set the hover point upon spawning. Then, just R&R away the extra blocks, and BAM! Maybe it'll float higher. Idk honestly :P
        May 25, 2016
      3. Tyrax Lightning
        Tyrax Lightning
        LiftPizzas mighta mentioned something like that along those lines before... i'm not sure if I really wanna do that personally but if the game gets too jerkass about the issue I might have to...
        May 25, 2016
    5. Slam Jones
      Slam Jones
      Red vs Blue server is back up! Feel free to log in!
      1. Tyrax Lightning likes this.
    6. Tyrax Lightning
      Tyrax Lightning
      The wait for the Event is killing me... :(
    7. Slam Jones
      Slam Jones
      Planning 3 different 'classes' for vessels in the RvB server. Should help keep combat balanced :)
      1. Tyrax Lightning and Furian like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Slam Jones
        Slam Jones
        It's more related to... how do I put it... "cheaty-ness" :P
        May 6, 2016
      4. Furian
        heh.. dammit!
        May 6, 2016
      5. Tyrax Lightning
        Tyrax Lightning
        I hope Iji doesn't feel 'cheaty'.
        May 25, 2016
    8. Slam Jones
      Slam Jones
      My likes:messages ratio has proceeded past 1:1... a personal best! ;)
      1. Tina Pedersen likes this.
    9. Slam Jones
      Slam Jones
      New PSU arrived for my PC. Installed it, no go :( . Plugged in mobo speaker to help diagnose the issue and... it works perfectly?? Wooo!
      1. Furian
        loool, psu needs extra power consumption, way to powerfull for your setup and will burn your desktop to the ground if unplugged from the mobo speaker!! ( jk - sounds weird )
        Apr 14, 2016
    10. Slam Jones
      Slam Jones
      So my suspicions regarding the power supply in my PC were confirmed today as a fireball erupted from the back of it and it promptly died.
      1. Tyrax Lightning and MechPilot524 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Tyrax Lightning
        Tyrax Lightning
        Hope ya remembered to check that new PSU that it'd give ya good amount of Amps on the +12V Rail. I would not settle for less then 40.
        Apr 12, 2016
      4. Slam Jones
        Slam Jones
        Ah, right on. The PSUs most often recommended by the calculators were in the 550W+ range, so similar to what you propose. Heh, if I had the budget, I'd probably go Gold (Platinum isn't a big enough improvement to justify the price, from what I've read). As it is, it looks like my replacement has 40Amps on the 12V rail ("+12V@40A" is what it says on the site) so hoping that should be stable enough! :)
        Apr 12, 2016
      5. Tyrax Lightning
        Tyrax Lightning
        That oughta do it. :)
        Apr 12, 2016
    11. Slam Jones
      Slam Jones
      Just found my old IRL katana... and damn if it ain't rusted to all hell :|
      1. Tyrax Lightning and Furian like this.
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      3. Slam Jones
        Slam Jones
        If it were a quality weapon I'd feel worse... as it is it was like $30 at a convention :P so more of a toy than a weapon... but had plenty of fun chopping up soft plants and whacking tennis balls with it :P
        Apr 9, 2016
      4. Slam Jones
        Slam Jones
        Really shows when I practice my version of Iaijutsu... (My version being: throw a tennis ball into the air, maneuver, then draw and strike it with one motion) and the blade keeps bending :| lol
        Apr 9, 2016
      5. Furian
        ahh ohh well then it's nothing to be ashamed about....
        Apr 13, 2016
    12. Slam Jones
      Slam Jones
      Considering a new line of vessels based (visually) on sports cars... hmm...
      1. Tyrax Lightning likes this.
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      3. Slam Jones
        Slam Jones
        Not sure yet. Maybe just incorporating styles into existing designs. Or something.
        Mar 23, 2016
      4. Slam Jones
        Mar 23, 2016
      5. Furian
        lookin awesome! I would definitely buy one
        Mar 24, 2016
    13. Slam Jones
      Slam Jones
      1. Tyrax Lightning likes this.
    14. Tyrax Lightning
      Tyrax Lightning
      Ya know anything about how to get a SSD & HDD in the same build at the same time & hook them together to work together? (Found a 1TB SSD for a actual handleable price!)
      1. Slam Jones likes this.
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      3. Tyrax Lightning
        Tyrax Lightning
        Now there's just the planning transferring my Data from old build to new build, still workin on researchin that. Also my Build Completion might get a little delayed cause my Mom might actually have to borrow Money from ME temporarily. XD
        Mar 10, 2016
      4. Slam Jones
        Slam Jones
        Heh, been there man :P

        Wish I knew more about data transfer to help you out there. Hope you can find a good guide or something though :D
        Mar 10, 2016
      5. Tyrax Lightning
        Tyrax Lightning
        I got plenty of time to plot &scheme. Build has been delayed both by Mom needing to borrow money from me for Dental Expenses, & by Mom wounding my heart by suggesting I abandon this endeavor & buy some dumbass Alienware or All-In-One Computer for the Computer Illiterate... :(
        Mar 11, 2016
    15. Slam Jones
      Slam Jones
      Akua is back in the hands of the Red Team! Huzzah!
      1. Furian likes this.
    16. Tyrax Lightning
      Tyrax Lightning
      I asked DeadSchism for Computer Build Advice a bit ago & never got a response, then checked his/her Profile Page & have now spotted that he/she has gone inactive... >_<
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Slam Jones
        Slam Jones
        Not sure bout the rest though... sorry!
        Mar 4, 2016
      3. Tyrax Lightning
        Tyrax Lightning
        No sweat. Many thanks for the info. :)
        Mar 4, 2016
      4. Slam Jones
        Slam Jones
        No worries at all man, and good luck!
        Mar 4, 2016
    17. Tyrax Lightning
      Tyrax Lightning
      I offer my condolences to your brave souls that got poofed away by the strange shenanigans that interrupted your Battle. Can't help but to wonder if the NPC Aliens have something to do with it... ;P
      1. Slam Jones likes this.
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      3. Tyrax Lightning
        Tyrax Lightning
        They'll be sorry they brought the wrath of TWO Factions upon them... unless the 2 Factions can't get along with each other even temporarily, which might be their gamble. ;P
        Feb 29, 2016
      4. Furian
        Yeah Thanks Tyrax, some of us almost perished. we where scattered over so big an area that comms, beacons and survival gear did malfunction. Some barely made it, myself included. only because of the persistence and bravery shown by Yolofessional and others able to get their hands on some old vessels, we survived to fight another day
        Feb 29, 2016
      5. Tyrax Lightning
        Tyrax Lightning
        Your courage inspires us all. :)
        Feb 29, 2016
    18. Slam Jones
      1. Furian
        that was a great clip! indeed!
        Feb 23, 2016
    19. Slam Jones
      Slam Jones
      Blue Team has taken Akua! Curse them!
    20. Slam Jones
      Slam Jones
      Red Team will win the war! Huzzah!