A12 Eden has arrived!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=28&v=LNQWV5zXIRM&feature=emb_logo
Where do we send docs that meet your criteria for faction creation?? I already have one worked up and blueprints in the workshop albeit private atm.
Hey Fractalite, need to ask a potential *spoiler* question on the POI you made... can you please DM/Convo me here - looks like you have your incoming convo turned off. Cheers!
Hello Fractalite. As king of challenges, I thought to talk to you about a challenge idea, but cant PM you. If you dont want to use PM, then Ill take it here ;)
Hey Fractalite, I was trying to PM you but it seems I'm unable to start a conversation with you. If that's by choice, no worries, I'd not want to be a pain. If it's an unexpected issue however, well, you know now :) Cheers. Oh, enjoy being snowed in, everyone deserves a snow day from time to time :)
Snowed in and about to face -40 degree F wind chill tonight and tomorrow morning. Guess its time for some more POI's!
Mate I totally think you should build a hv yacht :P in fact if you build a hv yacht i will make a floating base ! ;) I would love to see someone build a hv yacht similar to what I have done. And then I will have motivation to make a floating base haha and I will really go in on it and try an make something damn unique.
Ooooh, a floating Yacht you say? What an interesting idea. Never done anything like that. Challenge accepted!
I meant just a yacht, for water, my yachts dont hover they sink 1 block under;) ha would be cool if you made a kraken
Hey Fractalite, some days ago you asked for a ship in the background of Bud's Trike. Still interested? I put it in the WS, but private first. Now public so it is too old to be seen :) Ah, always forget: Workshop of Wahnfriedenator