Separate names with a comma.
If you are the admin, just edit the Mods\EmpyrionScripting\Configuration.json within the save folder. Change DeconstructSalary and RecycleSalary...
The Cryo Chamber is still broken - I temporarily fixed it myself by modifying the BlocksConfig.ecf file: Added " IndexName: Container" (without...
Sounds like a bug, or a modded config. Without mods, and a new save: Base Starter - 350SU, Player inventory capacity (no armour): 500 SU.
I've had the same issue once (on build 2545) on my dedicated server, which I decided to just toss in a bunch of materials and let it run.. 5...
Give it an alien admin core, and slightly damage each thing people are "allowed" to destroy (make sure to save damage states when creating the...
I "blew up" a ship for fun... Not nearly as maneuverable as it's counterpart, but it flies :) (Original: Rapscallion MK-II Warp Core, by Pyston)...
The unknown is part of the ID. When reading both bytes, my Core is 0x022E (558) in the header, 0x0a2e in the grid ("rotation" 00001 | 010 <--...