Separate names with a comma.
Wish we could rebind those keys however. The default heykeys are awkward to hit and impossible for me to remember at least.
You configure them in the signals tab of the control panel. There's probably more than a few guides on how to use signal logic floating around...
All you have to do is set your teleporter to be controlled by a motion sensor set to detect the area near the teleporter. When you teleport away,...
If you follow the official Empyrion Discord, I just left a new post in the suggestions section for exactly that.
And you're not wrong that maybe there could be a better way of informing someone they are using illegal blocks. There's multiple, unobtrusive ways...
You also get a warning in the blueprint library as your blueprint will be highlighted in red. You also get a warning in the factory where the game...
I mean you're not wrong, as there are games that also use the SE style jetpack but typically more survival and action oriented games use a jetpack...
Keep in minds that's not how the game works, and is therefor your own personal restriction on how you play that the game shouldn't be balanced...
Empyrion's jetpack is actually what the standard jetpack is in most games. A short burst of speed and altitude and minimal, uncontrolled ability...
Thank you so much for adding that to the eWPDA tool! That's going to be a great PDA mechanic to use.
Oh yeah the problem with the fog is there's only a single type and no randomization or variants. So while the fog settings themselves can be...
The space fog is cool. I wish it was available in the vanilla game and with more variety as a random space effect. Probably would get old if every...
Yeah unfortunately because I used custom planetary deco blocks to do it, on servers it caused playfield issues so I had to take it out. It was...
I was able to add them to a custom scenario and they gave so much atmosphere to the game! Sadly had to take them out because it didn't work in MP....
I did notice that the particles generated are 3d models with collision, which might not help but I don't know if that's the cause.
Great! Thanks for the info! Can't wait to start playing around with this.
For the light color the color of the star's light is already used on planets that don't have an atmosphere (such as barren moons) and in space. It...
This sounds awesome! Is there any documentation on this? I saw it used in the dark faction like so: - 'ReplaceStructureStandingIn:...
It's the same. 1.0 is the maximum of that color. 0.5 would be half. Etc. so full red would be 1,0,0.
Still getting reports of it happening in the current live version of the game. Just confirming for anyone else who might see this post that you're...