Separate names with a comma.
It doesn't work :)
I've find it ! In the script, instead of having #deconstruct and /deconstruct, we have to put #recycle and /recycle :)
Hi all ! Don't know if it's the right place but, in the deconstruction script, we gather entire blocks with devices. Is there a way to gather...
It seems to be a hard question :) May be devs should think about a way to figure this out.
Hi all, Can someone tell me how to reset the History server Tab ? I try to delete le file "serverbrowser_hist.vdf" in //7/remote of my Steam...
Ok, that's cool, thanks a lot. I'll check this, even if the english is not my natural language :p
May i find answers for both questions ? :) Thx.
Hi all ! I have an online server with RE on but some devices are not correctly visible. No problem in local game. All i see is a big white block...
Hi all ! In the "Join a game" menu, you have on the right that button saying : " Setup your own Server " What does it mean considering it...
Flying : XBox controller with the "joytokey" software while desperately waiting to be able to modify the configuration of the joypad in game!
They all came back when i restarted the game... I wanted to see at all time my POI's, my ressources, some ships discovered and destroyed etc.. :)...
Hi all ! I've made a mistake within the registry. I use to clic on that button which says "delete waypoint" ( isn't this useless !!! There were...
Hi all ! Is it possible to add a signal-logic when a device is on or off ? I want to set a LCD display saying that Constructors are ON, without...
Hi all ! Does somebody know what kind of keys are used to straff with the gamepad controller in the keyboard configuration ? If you activate the...
Thanks for your answer ! Do you recommend a specific one, or all MP scenarios are "cool" to start ?
Hi all, I have a private coop server with friends, reloaded in 1.5, but without any mission. If i put a default scenario as proposed in the...
And Thanks again !! It works ! Actually i dont want to make more changes. Just want to see back what i did in last version. I took a look at EAH...
Thanks again ! I have that : # GroundedStructureSpawn: True # default value I'll try to change to that : GroundedStructureSpawn: False...
Thanks again for the answer ! I did it and it worked very well. Another thing : I can't spawn bp everywhere, must be in a base. I've changed that...
Thanks a lot for the answer ! How do you configure that ? Just want to skip respawning of POIs :)