Separate names with a comma.
[IMG] Hello everyone! Allow me to introduce my new Light Corvette - EAS "Marco...
[IMG] Hello everyone! Allow me to introduce my new heavy fighter - FA-37...
Everything that we so strive for will sooner or later disappear.
Hello I play on the official EU server. And there were a few problems. 1) Recently began to meet players who build fields with crystals of...
Hello everyone. Allow me to show you my new ship. Minbari Battle cruiser "Dukhat'Tha". I hope you enjoy....
Good day. I want to introduce you to two new fighters. I hope you enjoy. F-29D-Banshee...
Hello everyone. I want to show you one of their ships. This I finished a few days ago. I hope you enjoy....
A few more comments. 1) Set blocks groups is very convenient, but remove the blocks (in creative) one by one, it is a real torment. 2) I can't...
Hello everyone! Funny, I did not immediately see this section on the forum :) My name Ticonderoga. I'm interested in the theme of space long ago...
1) Empyrion 2) Space Engineers 3) The I of the Dragons 4) Factorio 5) Distant Worlds
After several days of (game) running around the world, I came to the conclusion that would be nice to see at least some some automation. It would...
Given that the planet is to be home to several dozen people, I think the size of the deposit should be increased. For me it was a surprise when...
Sorry if I did not notice, but I did not find in the game designer, in which it would be possible to design equipment without entering the game....
There is one point about the food in the game. The game has the ability to make meat dishes, but absolutely no possibility of breeding animals. It...
HI everybody. Ticonderoga arrived. Glad to meet you.