Added to game 4x Skyminers (Polaris, Pirates, Zirax, Alien)

Discussion in 'Showroom & Submissions' started by sulusdacor, Dec 11, 2022.

  1. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    let's just call these "cool looking mining things" ;)

    all have a console and a box for potential quests with these, only reachable via flying obviously.
    (alien one has tech deco box because other would look weird)

    spawn name: Skyminer
    grpname:SkyminerAlien, SkyminerPirates, ...
    bpname:BA_AlienSkyminer, BA_PirateSkyminer, ...
    spawn all with -6 ground offset and all checkboxes checked.


    -structural integrity works out for all and you can crush them by "cutting" the beam, aka destroying the alien glowies.
    -all set at 120height to not cause issues. you could technically go a few blocks higher since it takes height from the core, but to have less hassle i went with 120 all. overall for looks you would need much more height to make an impact, but it sadly is not possible since 120 is max on one side.
    -the base terrain block setup is the same for all with minor iterations to fit the beams
    -polaris and pirates have a hidden tribal crate in the terrain at the bottom, no custom loot. it could be some quest too "we noticed some irregularity at miner xyz. go check it out." ->voila they dug out treasure. or the crate could just be a bonus ;)
    -the alien one is not sth supper specific, maybe progenitor, but i am not even sure. i just went with a weird/different shape compared to the others.

    whats the idea here:
    this was mostly a thing intended for ocean/lava planets. i was thinking with all the ocean/lakes etc there need to be POIs that go there. these are one answer to that question, since you could place these in water/lava. the floating terrain blocks i later added simply for cool looks, they can still go into water/lava. i originally wanted to add tower like bases or floating bases to go with this and delivery CVs, but never got around to do that. i think it would make sense to have support structures spawn with these, since someone has to do maintenance, empty/fuel the miner and so on.
    these could be placed on top of deposits as markers too. the gameplay idea here was not very fleshed out. i just liked the visual of them and went with it, like most of the time^^.

    @Hummel-o-War skyminers

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    Catnap, teakeycee and MatCz like this.

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