Logistics, Virtual Toolbar, Modular Containers

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. mR_kAt

    mR_kAt Captain

    Oct 27, 2016
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    Thanks for the reply. I hope it works out like how @geostar1024 envisions. I'd love to see more of an incentive to obtain (and use) a variety of fuel cells like in the older version of empyrion. When Eleon changed it to make it more user friendly, I feel a lot of the incentive for using them when out of the window as well. It left a bitter taste in my mouth and hopefully this idea will help address the viability of a variety of fuel cells (and the reason for using tech points... including the level to produce them) as well.
  2. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    To all the people writing bad reviews after this update that have over 300 hours already in the game, knee jerk bad reviews only lessen the chances of the game ever being finished to a standard you would like, you have already invested in the game, the feedback thread at Eleon forum is where your posts should go, a review done in anger because of an update in my opinion is just really poor form, and reflects badly on the mentality of alot of Steam users living in the world of entitlement.
    This is my personal opinion not the opinion of Eleon Studios.

    Sad that the world just has so many angry people, some get really fired up and angry over such small things, thinking about starving kids in Africa sure brings it back into perspective.
    Runeshadow and Cluascorp like this.
  3. Javier Rodriguez

    Javier Rodriguez Lieutenant

    Dec 13, 2018
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    People also leave bad reviews for stores or restaurants they visit, and have a bad experience at. Some do this after only one visit. Some do it after going there for years. This changes nothing. The only meaningful way to voice your distaste for a product or service, is to hurt someones reputation and/or wallet. People can leave feedback on here, where it can be ignored OR they can directly affect the rating and possibly sales of the game in hopes that the devs will actually listen.

    If Outback steakhouse only had a feedback forum, and not an actual consumer reports rating....do you think they would actually bother improving their products and service?
    hound likes this.
  4. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    When a system or a set of systems or a whole bunch of stuff is pushed out to the release candidate like this mess was, you are gonna have customer complaints. The continual insults and just eat it attitude did not help. As we see now, these changes almost needed a complete new walkthru to use, but instructions were not given and anyone that had difficulties was insulted and told to turn it off, not use it, or leave the game. Or the constant scream of "IT's OPTIONAL" not if you want to continue playing the game.

    When a player gets an item he just build stuck in a constructor and he can't place it, drop it, or put it in inventory, there is a whole bunch of broken going on.

    The entitlement argument goes out the window when we have at least four big developers in major trouble now and many small devs have a chance to step up in the market. That's not an argument for me as a player that is an argument for Eleon to quit shooting themselves in the foot.
    We got a lot of NMS players but couldn't keep them becasue that dev stepped up so well.

    Every single one of the players that listened to the mods and left is bad PR for this game, they aren't hearing you now, they wrote a bad review on the way out and are playing SE while telling everyone that Eleon as a dev can't figure out how to pathfind or do logistics.

    BUT it is not going to happen with a company that is so out of touch that the only way to promote a system is to say---"It doesn't work yet, wait for the next update" then why is it public? Leave it in experimantal and avoid all of the bad reviews, the dev straight up asked for a buttload of discontent and got it. And then the mods browbeat the players for disagreeing with the whole mess.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
    mR_kAt, Sephrajin and stanley bourdon like this.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The volume limit is disabled by default, opt in, and explicitly states it's not yet balanced.

    The new logistics system really only comes into forced use if you're playing with volume enabled. Otherwise, you can ignore every part of it if you want except for having to assign a cargo box for constructors.

    For those of us who make good use of the Extra logistics features, even with volume disabled, it's such a nice change. :D
  6. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Once again, introducing a system and saying it doesn't work, it is not enabled, it is optional and it is not balanced is precisely the point.
    It should have stayed in the exp branch at the very least or maybe in QC until a decent handhold was gained on it.

    The broken UI is absolutely not what you want to give someone for Xmas.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  7. steenhole

    steenhole Lieutenant

    Feb 4, 2017
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    With the production loop for food and fridges (Fridge > Processor >Fridge), the fridge feels out of place. In part, the feeling is caused by the need to store non-perishables in the fridge, whereas before those items would be stored in the magic processor. A refrigerated controller, to allow refrigeration to be modular, would get around the visual suggestion of Fridge as being for food only, and also allow for larger scale food operations. It's a pain to transport large amounts of food in comparison now.
  8. Timothy Smith

    Timothy Smith Lieutenant

    Dec 9, 2016
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    After about an hour or two playing around with the new logistics I love it! I do have a little input here though. I would like that whatever container I have linked to have the GUI page stay the same when closed , or maybe better said, be on the same screen when opened again.

    My other thought, is to not call it "wifi" at all but 'teleportation". The wifi modules could be " construction teleport modules" and you would have to be equipped in your hands or built into your armor a " teleport construction tool". The fact that they are limited to 100m could be because of the immense mass being teleported and the regular teleporters can only teleport people due to they are only designed to teleport 300kg max.

    Just some thoughts.

    P.s. Another thought - replace the words "construction" above with "logistic" i.e. "Logistic Teleport Module".
    Neal and stanley bourdon like this.
  9. mR_kAt

    mR_kAt Captain

    Oct 27, 2016
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    Is that comment directed at me? If so I am confused. I've never written a journalistic opinion about Empyrion on Steam. I use other media outlets for my contributions to Empyrion. The opinionated review spread I wrote was for version 2.x-3.x when Eleon allowed free access to the game and I have it quite a positive review.

    I refuse to write an early access review on Steam because of the way Early Access games are described on Steam. As a rule of thumb, I tend to review a product in its entirety (on Steam) once it has left Early Access. The few exceptions to this rule is when I see a very unique game that breaks the norms of standard games and holds great potential. This is why I wrote a glowing review back in 3.x (not even in Steam) and have politely declined to do another review until things have been ironed out and perfected more. To do so at the moment, would be a disservice I feel as the product is under "heavy construction" and major alterations at the moment. (Which is the stage it should be at the moment in my opinion as much of the bones of the game needs vital working on).
  10. mR_kAt

    mR_kAt Captain

    Oct 27, 2016
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    I do agree about the stable vs. experimental branch. It was my assumption when the experimental branch was created, it would remain experimental until all of the game breaking bugs were identified and fixed. I've seen comments about a select group of testers having a major voice in what goes in experimental and what doesn't. Is this true or bias rumors? I really don't know but it seems some testers clearly know more than others.

    I'm not saying this is a bad thing. These choice testers may be a huge asset to Eleon... but if there is a group like that, I wish there was more transparency with it.
  11. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    The testers test. In the end the Devs decide what goes to Experimental. They have the last say. And no-one else Not the testers
  12. mR_kAt

    mR_kAt Captain

    Oct 27, 2016
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    Thank you for clearing this up. I was wondering if what some people posting was true or not.

    Is there a closed group of testers that test specific aspects of the game? I'm just curious... no need to answer if it is against policy.
  13. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    ??? Perhaps you should speak about this in the steam review section instead of the feedback thread then ...
    O please man, talk about being out of perspective. Anger is allways personally related & "starving kids in Africa" is not relevant here.
    Go post some money every week to some bogus organisation that raffle in peoples pockets, playing on their misguided empathies. Popping more kids out they can ever support & then appear as refugees plundering those countries resources, living on the backs of the habitants hard working people. All in the name of being empathic, right? Perhaps you should study the true meaning of the "Kalergi-plan"...
    But none of this has a place here, nor is anger identified properly in this forum i've noticed on multiple occasions.
    Enough said, sorry for the off topic respons
    Sephrajin and Javier Rodriguez like this.
  14. Sam_Neill

    Sam_Neill Ensign

    Jun 2, 2018
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    What would be really nice (and needed imo) are splitters and Mergers for logistic System, which split up Incoming items to several containers so you would have some Kind of auto-sorting.
    The same would be needed for constructors, which Need several Input.

    With the current implementation of only 1 in- and 1 Output without sorting ability the logistic System is not complete - but its a start.
    Whoom and Cluascorp like this.
  15. ECubed

    ECubed Commander

    Sep 29, 2016
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    There is a closed testing group for the non-public branch. They are mostly the very active members. I'm not on it but there is mentions of it periodicly.
    mR_kAt likes this.
  16. Rico74

    Rico74 Ensign

    Jun 17, 2017
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    Hi Guys,

    This is not a bug or big issue, it's just a quality of life thing, nothing game breaking just feedback ...

    So I have the habit of organizing my containers, pretty excited about the new logistics function(F4), but I'm wondering how the order of the Drop-down list is created
    It is not Alphabetical, nor does it respect the order in your "Device" list, the latter is not Alphabetical either, but you can influence by moving 'devices' (containers) to a temp folder and back in the order you want them. So my guess it's chronological order you place them on your structure...

    So my request would be to have some consistency, the folders in the device list are shown Alphabetically, the content of the folders by order you move them in a folders and the Logistics list ... I'm not sure, but it's unrelated to the device list.

    Cheers, and keep up the good work on this gem of a game!


    2019-01-09 23_50_43-Empyrion - Galactic Survival.png 2019-01-09 23_51_09-Empyrion - Galactic Survival.png
  17. mR_kAt

    mR_kAt Captain

    Oct 27, 2016
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    Thanks! I was wondering about the creation process of experimental builds...
  18. IronCartographer

    IronCartographer Captain

    Sep 27, 2017
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    This is definitely needed. The only saving grace is that you can make arbitrarily large containers now (ignoring the 64 unique item slot + lingering stack (slot size limit) behaviors...), reducing the number of list elements to sort through. They'll probably add better organization along with automation UI elements and the additional view depth, but for now...bit awkward, yes.
  19. Mycroft_Groks

    Mycroft_Groks Lieutenant

    Aug 17, 2018
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    I do like the new logistic system, however I think it would be beneficial to have a logistic system that you can add volume and slots to.. Maybe up to a certain point, instead of the just limiting a controller to just 48 slots. The benefits of adding slots would be immense. Of course add a server option to let admins limit the number of slots a controller can have. I'm invisioning a whole base hooking up to two or three huge cargo systems for central storage.


    Let constructors, deconstructors, proccessors, furnaces, etc have an internal storage container like before that the output defaults to, but also allow users to use a logistic system as well. This way both the people that like and dont like the new output system are happy.

    Have a cargo connector that also acts as a refrigerator unit. This way we can do a big cold storage system that all processors link to either as input or output.

    Maybe allow processors and constructors to link to multiple cargo controllers so they can put from more than one spot.

    I read that automation is coming and I'm fully onboard with that for things like keeping a set minimum of items in certain boxes such as keeping a base stocked with ammo or fuel.

    I'm imagining a connector system like Space Engineers or my favorite Minecraft mod, Logistic pipes.
    mR_kAt likes this.
  20. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Some parts of the GUI for Logistics is still "work-in-progress" - so expect some changes in future iterations ;)

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