Build: latest Mode: Multiplayer Platform: Steam DLC Installed: none SERVER NAME: NA Official Server SEED-ID: ??? If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: Reproducibility: Have not tried. It would take me a week of collecting and building to attempt it again exactly as it was and I'm not sure I even have the will to play the game again after this bug. Severity: Type: Disappearance Summary: All HV's and SV's that were docked to my CV disappeared. Description: After a week of grinding to be able to build all these prefabs i really liked, I finally finished them yesterday around I logged out to get something to eat, and logged back in the fuel things up. It was about 7 or 8 different SV's and CV's that attach together. I finished and logged back out. I am home sick from work today and logged in to start refueling, and when i logged in, I realized every single HV, and SV, that was docked to my CV dissappeared. They are not on the manifest list thing that tells me what i own and where they are, there is no PVP where I am currently located, so nothing could have happened. the game glitched during an update i assume and they are all gone. I'm not sure if there is anything that can be done to help but there was more than 30 hrs of build wait-time in the blueprints factory let alone the material cost for it all. It definitely has me unmotivated to play again, as grinding for a week to redo the work that was done only for the possibility for it to happen again isnt exactly fun. Hope you can help me. you can email me or message me on discord.
You would need to provide a list of items with there ID number what you lost. We would also need your player name
my player name is locke003 but the items were sv's and hv's. i can add up the resources to build them all if thats what you mean
That's not what I mean. Your player name does not exist on our server. Please provide the name as seen in steam Structures have an id and a name. We need this if you want them restored. Without this info we cant do anything