Alpha 11

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hector G, Nov 25, 2019.

  1. Hector G

    Hector G Commander

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Please take with a grain of salt as my impressions of the various new systems don't have anything to do with how they work mechanically but after seeing more of it I have no intention of playing with CPU and I really hope there is no intention of forcing players into this and that the option remains to keep it off.

    I mainly play solo or with a few friends and I mainly play for the adventure, exploration, and combat against AI. Although it wasn't my main draw I very much enjoy the crafting and building.
    All this to say I really still don't know how to 'interact' with this new system and feel it brings a level of complexity I just personally can't appreciate in a way I can with other systems like weight/volume.
    I love building but I'm not looking for anything much more complicated than Legos/Minecraft so engineering and general 'crunchiness' just puts me to sleep which is why I can't get into games like Space Engineers or Kerbal Space Program so I rely and thankful for creative folks putting awesome builds into workshop.

    I can understand and appreciate changes needed for performance, optimization, or multiplayer/server hosting so please forgive my ignorance on technical matters but in terms of pure enjoyment and fun from solo point of view the CPU does nothing for me. The only thing I found interesting was idea of needing to find the components in POIs and such. I definitely want to see more unique and valuable items hidden throughout the galaxy so seeing this tied into CPU mechanic instead of something cooler kinda of a bummer since I have no interest in it.

    I get the idea of having specialized ships and I do think it's pretty easy to get ridiculously powerful vehicles very early but I feel like the limitations that need to be placed are elsewhere like tech tree, level progression, or something else I don't know but I just don't think CPU system achieves this in a way that's fun.

    Everything else in A11 like HUD, docking, etc are definitely super cool.

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