An idea as i have noticed odd behaviour in task manager

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Sirflartsalot, May 26, 2022.

  1. Sirflartsalot

    Sirflartsalot Ensign

    May 26, 2022
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    Dear Devs

    Hi I don't know if this post will be helpful or not but more of a idea. I run a server for the game you created. This is why i am mainly messaging you i was wondering if there is anyway to add a line to the dedicated.yaml file to help with how well the the server sends the file when joining the servers for the first time. It would be good to have a option to limit upload bandwidth of the files on join. The reason for this is when ever someone downloads the files for the first time it causes the cannot send to dedicated server anymore. The task manager shows when sending the file that it jumps to upto 100 mbs and at that point it causes disconnects for already connected players. although it's only for split seconds at a time it can be bad if a number of players keep joining.

    From Sirflartsalot
    Last edited: May 26, 2022

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