Added to game [ARC] Fighter Station + Training Area + Fighter

Discussion in 'Showroom & Submissions' started by sulusdacor, Oct 17, 2021.

  1. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    -for Fighter station is with shield, has shield generator on the outside, but no pentaxid tank. And station has 2 drone spawners.
    -other things have nothing special on it. fighter cv has no O2 (tank missing, but technically airtight), Fighter Training has O2+airtight.

    station: arc fighter station Kopie.jpg
    (space station with dungeon=engineering)

    training: arc fighter training Kopie.jpg
    (some gate like structures + some deco fighters)

    fighter: arc fighter Kopie.jpg
    (tiny patrol cv with 1 thruster+rcs. if this does not work, just an asset)

    steamlinks (have more pictures):
    ARC Fighter Station:
    ARC Fighter Training:
    ARC Fighter CV:

    fighter cv and training ground are mostly just deco + atmospheric things. nothing special. what you get is what you see there.

    fighter station:
    not sure if important for POI -> has no pentaxid tank, but shield generator. (behind the core is a fuel tank i would just place it there into the wall or next to the grav generator above the lobby/bar area

    it has 2 drone spawners below some of the fighter at the bottom.

    if you change stuff. one thing that can break SPOILER
    above the hangardoor controll room is an airvent with trigger plates for a fall trap that explode. basically gone and not regenerative.
    otherwise there is nothing that can break if you pan through the poi.

    enemies are mostly robots, some human+alien soldiers too. traders are mixed.

    -the usual: o2 station,atm,trading,armor locker in lobby
    -small public constructor + repair station at quatermaster (L3 hangar)

    -spaceport (front desk - lobby)
    -food(bar - lobby)
    -market cafe (bar - lobby)
    -warehouse(quatermaster - before L3 hangar)
    -militaryT1 (armory)
    -medical (medbay)

    Loot, look at your own discresion
    -rare: engineering, o2 room, with orange containers broken pit
    -normal: engineering, o2 room, 1st room
    -rare: vent 2ndary entrance. infested skorpion/spider room
    -very rare: before core room, engineering (room with generators+fuel tanks)
    -very rare: core room
    -ultra rare: core room
    -rare: vent between L3 and L2 to bar below
    -normal: L3 trader behind boxes
    -very rare: above crane, acess from airvents prison
    -normal: in fighter, instead of cokpit
    -normal: in bar area,behind counter in corner
    -normal: in cargo area, behind ammo boxes
    -normal: in conference room
    -rare: control room back
    -ultra: arc container via amory airvent
    -normal: shooting range, behind 2nd target in floor
    -rare: bath room living unit
    -normal: engineering, 1st room (big yellow pipes)
    -normal: before core room, engineering fuel+generators
    -rare: engineering, fuel+generators, secret room at start
    -normal: cargo gate control room
    -very rare: jumping puzzle, room with glowing beams

    2 ultra
    4 very
    5 rare
    10 normal

    random quest ideas for these
    - if the fighter trainig rings can check the payer when passed. then i could imagine a "join the arc pilots" thing of quest. where you have to do the flight course (fly through rings, generously maybe timed or for different times different rewards?) + additional some shot/kill x enemies. then you are in the pilot programm.
    - some prison break scenario: 1.either beak somebody out OR 2.
    break out yourself. the empty cell has a broken airvent(all cells airvent connect to the ventshaft, but i left this open so it is obvious). escape through vent to cargo area crane. drop down. there maybe a small sv ship that is in the cargo area or go through the hangar door into space and at the main docking area could be some massive CV, where you hide in the cargo area. -> escaped
    - the bigger cargo area corner could have some smuggler/shady person (trader). the station command has tasked you to take care of the problem. option to get rid of the person -> reward from ARC. OR use the smuggler -> no ARC reward, but trader stays there. pirate reputation?
    - from ARC flight commander. some sort of "ace pilot anderson has decided to never fly again. he is on of our best pilots. get his ass back to the cockpit and i got a reward for you." -> pilot anderosn is drinking at the bar. options to give him meds -> ARC reward. or give him booze -> pilot anderson decides to quit being a pilot. maybe he tells you something here as a reward. maybe he should be guarding soem transport etc. could tie into some pirate(heist quest. where this either decides the sides or what defense you face (ace pilot is in -> high defense, ace pilot quits -> easier defense)
    - some generic fetch quest a la "my supply is runing low, get me x of this and that" from the armory or quatermaster.
    - sabotage quest: the fighters have inside 1 block space, either a lever there or replace cokpit with console or the fighter dock below have consoles ath the plattform + one block in floor of the fighter will be explosive. your job is to either report this sabotage attempt to the ARCstation commander at controll OR explode the arc fighters. player has to go down to docks and go into the cockpit/plattform(=outside). then explode/active the explosion of the fighter. if they explode there could be reinforcement (or could be a covert mission) or cockpit could have a container where you just plant the explosives (for the silent mission variant).
    - a squad / pilot is missing (squad makes more sense). something like 3 of the fighters (ARC fighter CV to copy paste as a base, some destroyed + add console for interaction). from station command you get the task to search for the squad. -> could start a revenge missing or a pilots are deserted and player has to chose (bring back or rat out)

    Attached Files:

    Hummel-o-War, MatCz, Myrmidon and 5 others like this.
  2. Don2k7

    Don2k7 Captain

    Apr 27, 2021
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    well i have to say all 3 builds look amazing great job as always
    Myrmidon and Germanicus like this.
  3. HeckenDiver

    HeckenDiver Lieutenant

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Thank you Sulusdacor,
    those builds are stunning,
    learned a lot from them in just 1 hour alone with them ^^
    Germanicus likes this.

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