Fixed Ashon Start dialog/pda proof reading

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by imlarry425, Jun 15, 2023.

  1. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    (really enjoyed the way you guys reworked the start- very fun/challenging)

    Build: v1.10 4227
    Mode: Survival, SP
    Seed-id: any
    Repo: always
    Severity: minor
    Type: PDA/Dialogs
    Description: Some suggested rewrites of the English translation of dialogs and pda text in the Ashon start. Minor tweaks to avoid repetition, issues with articles, and some minor spelling glitches.

    convention: {existing} > {suggested}

    *** PDA.csv
    ChapterTitle: Gamestart Ashon: Console Used (Visitors)

    "Apparently an UCH crew" > "Apparently a UCH crew"

    *** Dialogues.ecf / Dialogues.csv
    "Currernt location" > "Current location"

    "be it yours!" > "it's yours!"

    "As long as our food stocks last, we can sell you from our supplies. Talk to our merchants. There should be some ice in one of the containers around the lower level. Our tanks are full and we can currently spare it.
    Regarding fuel. There are some refueling stations at the edge of the sector. There should still be something to get there. With a detector you should be able to find them, but you should expect hostile forces there."
    "Talk to our merchants. As long as their stocks last, we can sell to you from our supplies. There should be some surplus ice in an unlocked container on the lower level. Our tanks are full and we can currently spare it.
    Regarding fuel. There are some refueling stations at the edge of the sector and you should be able to find what you need. With a detector you should be able to find them, but you should expect hostile forces."

    "[...] It could be dangerous, though, because there are for sure some combat ships of the warlord hanging around there. You should only go there if you are properly equipped."
    "[...] It could be dangerous because the warlord’s combat ships are likely to be in the area. You should only go there if you have the proper equipment."

    "I'm not sure what these N'ty even are. The name is also just a derivation from an engraving we identified on their armor. We know nothing about them even after decades of research. Possibly a left-behind helper population of an extinct species? They are, without a doubt, machine beings. Incredibly resilient, but slow. I've been studying the towers they seem to be guarding. [...]"
    "I’m not sure what these N’ty are. Their name is derived from an engraving we found on their armor. Despite decades of research, we know very little about them. Could they be a helper population left behind by an extinct species? They are definitely machine beings - incredibly resilient, but slow. I’ve been studying the towers they seem to be guarding. [...]"

    "[...] I have already copied the report data. You can keep the remaining report data."
    "[...] I have copied the report data. The information is not sensitive, so you can keep your copy.

    "[...] As I said, I'm afraid I have no one to send and no planes either...but I trust you will find a way to get down there and back up here with the report!"
    "[...] As I said, I'm afraid I have no one to send and nothing to send them in...but given your success with our communication satellite, I trust you will find a way!"

    "It's great that you continue to support us! It shall not be your loss! In order for the fleet to refuel when it arrives, we must recapture at least one of the three supply stations in this part of the sector. If you can do that, it will be easier for our troops later on.
    Your mission: Fly to the marked station and take out all the defenders. Find and destroy the core and place your own core. Expect a counterattack afterwards! Good luck!"
    "Thank you for continuing to support us! Your efforts will not go unrewarded. To refuel the fleet when it arrives, we need to recapture at least one of the three supply stations in this sector. If you can accomplish this, it will make things easier for our troops.
    Your mission is to fly to the designated station and eliminate all defenders. Locate and destroy the core, then install your own. Be prepared for a counterattack afterwards. Good luck!"

    "[...] gives you the possibility to enter fee-text feedback [...]"
    "[...] gives you the possibility to enter free text feedback [...]"

    (no fees for text offered or requested! Hope some of that helps. 8^)
    Insopor likes this.
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    If you continue on that, free to grab the PDA.csv and/or Dialogues.csv > open with Notepad++ > make the changes and send me the file via PN or in Discord ( hummelowar ) ;)
    Insopor and imlarry425 like this.

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