Block Limits

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by WlnDrg, Mar 20, 2024.

  1. WlnDrg

    WlnDrg Ensign

    Mar 20, 2024
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    Good evening everyone.

    I come to bring the suggestion of currently removing the block limit of 249.

    I understand that for some it is enough, as each block is 2 meters, but it is still a limitation for constructions, removing this limitation or at least doubling the maximum quantity will allow the creation of several new contents.

    In terms of game performance, I believe it wouldn't affect that much, because... If you don't want giant buildings on your server or world, just activate the limit in the game's options.

    I hope this idea is well received by the devs and the community.

    If you don't agree, just don't be toxic or respect other people's opinions!

    Thank you and Happy gaming!

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