Bring back Hover Boosters

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Buddy Longway, Apr 22, 2023.

  1. Buddy Longway

    Buddy Longway Ensign

    Feb 14, 2019
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    Whatever happened to 'Hover Boosters'?
    (talking about the thingies that make your HV JUMP... NOT the ones that make you 'GO' :D)

    A good while back something changed about the 'physics' of hover boosters. You used to be able to move in any direction AND jump at the same time. Now any 'directional' thrust input will 'halt' the vertical jump motion... A BIG 'nerf' to HV's :(

    Was especially useful with auto-brakes OFF imo... Allowing you to 'fly' for a short time and traversing difficult terrain like canyons and heavy woods. With auto-brakes off the HV now doesn't jump AT ALL... As it apparently has to be perfectly still 'horizontally' to jump vertically!?

    Is this change really intentional? ... Or is it more of a 'bug'?

    Please restore the old functionality ;)

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