Not sure if something like this exists, but I propose the idea of a server designed as a build exhibit. When entering you will land in a space station of some sort with multiple portal's Each portal leads to sector owned by a builder. That builder has the planet and space around it to display his or her products in the best fashion they desire. The server would be survival to avoid player building and no access to any sector from a sector in a ship. The player joins with an invent of food rations a heavy armour and some eva boosters, no other starting equipment of any kind. The planet & space playfields used will be lifeless and void of poi for performance sake. I take the idea from a previous platform I spent some time on called second life, where people build virtual products which can be sold on the web in game. I remember going to 1 sim ( playfield if u like) that a creator had filled with his ships on display allowing users to take a good look at the product before purchasing with real life money lol Obviously we don't sell our empyrion builds but the idea of a server put together by a few top builders as a display area sounds pretty awesome to me. Builders who make builds that work with other builds can better represent how those builds work together. I am building maglev elevators/ carriages from cv's that are secured to a base tether and traverse the tether, such a server would be great to display how this works and how to put the 2 together. Our workshop entries could then point at the server for demonstrations etc. The threat of hackers is no doubt still upon us, however the server can be locked until said builders have everything in place, take a backup copy of the server and keep it safe, then open it. Repeating the procedure each time a builder wishes to place a major update. Obviously such a server cannot cater for every builder in empyrion so it is probably best a group of specific builders come together to work on this. What are your thoughts on this builders ?