Building vessels underground, teleporting to surface upon reload.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Scoob, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    Going back quite a few game versions, I was playing particularly tough game - heavy Base attacks, Patrol Vessel harassment, you get the idea. As a result, I dug in, building a large underground base.

    I used a small mining HV to excavate a large cave, and I used this space to build my first SV, eventually digging an egress for it and popping a hangar door in. It all worked well.

    While I was doing all this in a single, long gaming session all was well. My SV's and subsequent additional HV's were all well-protected under ground. Nice. However, I recall that after saving the game for the evening and returning the next day, all my underground HV's and SV's had teleported to the surface and came under almost immediate attack, while I loaded into the game way underground - exactly where I'd saved.

    I get that this is likely some sort of "oh, you fell through the terrain, let me rescue you" logic. However, it only triggered when loading a game.

    Starting a new game recently I'm in the same boat, currently mid-session with a single mining HV excavating my base area a little more. I do plan to construct an SV soon and ultimately a small CV too - all underground where they're relatively save. However, I wonder if the teleporting to the surface issue still exists. It was a case of it might happen previously, not sure the exact condition that made it happen. However, I want to hear of others experiences before committing to building my first CV - likely next session - underground and have it partially constructed and vulnerable on the surface next time I reload.

    Note: I thought at first that if a vessel was docked to a BA block it'd be fine and only vessels parked on terrain might suffer from teleportation. However, I did experience a docked SV - it made the docking noise - teleporting to the surface after reloading, so that theory was out of the window.

    Have others had issues with this in recent versions? I cannot recall exactly which version I did this, I think it may have been prior to v1.0.

  2. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    I have a base blueprint I use regularly that is meant to be placed entirely underground. I've never encountered an issue with a vessel inside the hangar being teleported up to the surface, no matter how far under a mountain I put it.
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks for confirming that @Arthmoor. I cannot recall which version of the game we were on at the time when I had the "teleport to surface upon reload" issues. Now I have a somewhat larger base - underground of course - I'm going to try it out this evening.

    Thought: I did wonder if it's linked to how far under the surface the vessel is. I don't build a base that's slightly underground - just below the surface on a flat plain for example. Rather I've burrowed into the base of a mountain and I wonder if that makes a difference. Basically, my vessels wouldn't simply teleport to the mean ground level a few metres above, they'd be teleported a couple of hundred metres away, right at the top of a tall mountain lol.

    I'll be sure to test both docked and undocked underground. I did build a second HV last night, I meant to leave one parked in an excavated cave and docked to the base underground, but forgot and left them both docked to the base. Still, that'll be the first test upon reload.

    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  4. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I've built numerous underground bases and used to run into this all the time. IIRR they fixed this bug several versions back, although it did take a few stabs at it before they got it working. Haven't seen it lately.

    Let us know if you have a problem, you may need to do a Bug report if it's reared it's ugly head again.
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks @Thor'sHammer, sounds like it's largely fixed then - I will try myself this eve if I get time.

    Edit: Managed to get some time this evening and I've not been able to trigger the issue thus far. I've tried parking HV's underground, one docked to the base, one just parked on terrain and the issue has not manifested its self after save / reload cycles.

    Not 100% conclusive proof the issue is gone, it was a little sporadic previously, but so far so good.

    Last edited: Jul 22, 2021
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  6. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    The last time I used my blueprint, I shoved the base very far into the mountain because I wanted the extra height overhead. My SV had no issues.

    The only thing that might be relevant is that I never place any part of the base below the water line, even if it's not next to a lake. I've ended up with water in the lower levels when I've done that.
  7. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    YW My pleasure!

    Yeah, well we all know the water is wacked in Empyrion ... It is what the water is. I hold no hope for it ever being fixed.
    Sleep better that way ... :D
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Now that's a good point. I'm certainly not below the water line in my current game, but have been in the past. I do recall building a base under a mountain previously, however, just outside the entrance - about three metres lower at most - was a small lake, so I could have easily dropped below water level.


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