I'm trying to edit the temperate starter playfield for a12 to add more Zirax POI'S and add more ore. The ore changes take, however when changing the min/max on the poison, they do not change. And is it possible to add talon buildings into a zirax faction? I have also tried changing faction titles and haven't had any luck. Basically my end goal is to have more enemy bases to fight and possibly increase the variety of their buildings.
Generally editing the playfield pois to add more is certainly possible. However, there might be a limit on spawn locations. You can check the console when you first load and it should tell you if something got left out. Setting any building (or group) to any faction is possible as well. If the game is actually resetting the playfield you may need to make it spawn as a different planet with a different identity to make it unique. The game has a tendency to reset and resist change to it's its own playfields.
you should *not* edit the base game files, make a copy of the scenario you are editing and work from there. Note that the limits to poi spawning are the following: 1. structure max 2. biome space 3. (sorta) server/client capacity to load the pois.