[Challenge] Single T1 Large Generator CV - Complete

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Robot Shark, Mar 3, 2018.


Who gets bragging rights?

Poll closed Apr 15, 2018.
  1. Kahrek's Shoren (1T1-BTY-B) Colony Support Ship

    2 vote(s)
  2. monktk's Investigator

    2 vote(s)
  3. Razorwire's Elite Dangerous Wrecked/Recovered Python

    4 vote(s)
  4. rucky's CV_IRON_HAWK_typeS

    6 vote(s)
  5. KwC TrixX's Elephant Light Carrier (7.6)

    1 vote(s)
  6. styLmntz's Kujira MKIII - Starter

    2 vote(s)
  7. Metal_Burner's Challenger

    2 vote(s)
  8. T431's T4-Avian

    1 vote(s)
  9. Ashrai's Elysian Dream

    3 vote(s)
  10. dpburke2's Nurture

    3 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Going to have to look at it carefully. It has a weird shape but I really like the non conventional aspect of it :)
  2. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    So many challenges, so little time..

    Although I kinda want a midgame CV, last time I played survival the only CV I used was the T4 Apex, which just isn't big enough for the long term.

    Maybe I can modify my T4 Linerunner to meet the requirements, but that might be undoable.
    Robot Shark and dpburke2 like this.
  3. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Downgrading from Combat Steel removes a lot of weight.
    While I was goofing around I got the Grouper to meet the challenge specs by downgrading to armored steel and removing a few thrusters.
    (and the second generator).

    I'm betting my current submission would be much heavier if I had used armored or combat steel blocks.
    dpburke2 and monktk like this.
  4. monktk

    monktk Captain

    May 20, 2017
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    Yay it's done! :D


    The single hangar is teensy (it's designed for ships conforming to Jenniphurr's Zero G Warp Capable Fighter challenge, after all - and even then it's a tight fit) so no bonus point for me there. Same for the inaccessible RCS...though a T2 would be ridiculous overkill for this anyway ;)


    More pics and info about challenge req compliance at Steam Link :)

    Edit: Oooh, I lied about the O2 pressurization in the Bridge, not sure when that changed. Uh, I'll fix that. Actually I know exactly when it changed, fix in progress, sorry. You double-triple check stuff and then only notice a problem either once the screenshots are done or when you're in the build itself not even looking for problems. :rolleyes:

    Edit 2: Okay that's fixed now. Sorry.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  5. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Another original design. Interesting. Now I need to find / make a dog shaped ship and we can play frisbee! Sounds fun no? :)
    Na_Palm, dpburke2 and monktk like this.
  6. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Okay worked allot on my submission. I reserve the right to give it a fresh coat of paint later but I am happy with my current results. All the details are below and feel free to skip the long back story :)

    The Shoren (Designation 1T1-BTY-B or Itty bitty bi@#$) is my entry into the 1T1 challenge

    Perspective.jpg Side.jpg Top.jpg Back.jpg Airlock.jpg Crew Quarters.jpg Cryo Bay.jpg HV Docking.jpg Window.jpg

    My usual bad video

    Steam page link

    * Wall of text back story *

    The Shoren corvette was one of the first dedicated anti fighter ships to see production. At a time of massive capital vessels where the only real options where fighter superiority or overwhelming firepower the Shoren stood out by it's diminutive size. Nobody knows for sure if the 1T1-BTY-B serial on the original ship is purely a coincidence or a subtle coining of the ships nickname "Itty Bitty".

    The Shoren quickly proved itself as a capable flak frigate. With higher speed and maneuvering than the larger, clumsy capital ships they could be positioned to provide effective anti fighter support right where it was needed, eliminating the need to over-stuff capital ships with anti-fighter defenses. The modular top mount weapon rack that usually accommodates 2 flak turrets could be quickly refitted to any role, able to carry anything from rocket launchers to the massive 160MM Corebuster artillery units.

    The original ship design was bare and incredibly spartan, during engagements the ship atmosphere would be completely vented and gravity was turned off to allow for better maneuvering and avoid explosive decompression. The eventual arrival of innertics allowed these ship to be retrofitted with suitable living quarters.

    As the end of it's military career arrived the ship line was re-purposed as a convoy escort vessel, that is until the arrival of the intra-system jump drive made long trips between planets a thing of the past. Stripped of any purpose the hulls sat iddle in graveyards until Laume Heavy Industries purchased them in bulk in a reuse and disarm agreement. The Shoren frigates were stripped of heavy weapons and left with a complement of civilian approved turrets. The combat armor was replaced with lighter materials to reduce weight and cost. The colony support vessel saw the light of dawn. Built to support the massive colony ships the Shoren now serve to run errands, provide point defense and even ferry crew between colonies or provide emergency evacuation services. Truly a 180 from it's birth purpose.

    For those wondering about the ships second nickname the story goes that during the initial space trials the Shoren prototype was pitted against a full wing of fighter craft. An unknown pilot whispered on comms as they left the field defeated "Itty Bitty yeah right, more like Itty Bitty bi*static*.

    *end of wall of text story*

    Mobile base with all emenities
    3 Adv Constructors
    1 HV Dock
    1 SV Dock (sunroof)
    6 cannon and 6 minigun turrets
    4 sentry cannons
    Etc... etc... :)

    Any comments, thoughts, criticism are all welcomed.

    Best regards,

    *Edit: Typos everywhere... squished a few!*

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  7. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Elite Dangerous Wrecked/Recovered Python - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1324429148


    "Ah, Captain! You're back. And you got the Tank parked.
    Me and the boys have finished going over the ship; there's good and bad news.

    Bad news first. She's full of holes, and most of the thrusters have been blown out, along with some of the standard equipment. All the decent RCS are gone, and we had to use the green emergency field generators to get her airtight. All the upper turrets and fixed weapons have been lost to scavengers, and only one of the two lower turrets still runs.
    We've not tried firing it yet, but it's powered and the ammo feeds OK.

    Yeah, I know, I promised you some good news too. Nearly all the lower thrusters survived, so she'll lift to orbit, even in this G. The galley and med-centre are mostly intact and the advanced constructors survived too. Starboard elevator only needed minor repairs, so we used it as access to the temporary shuttle pad. Only one genny left, but it's solid, and with most of the thrusters gone, we're not drawing more than about 70% power even under heavy manoeuvres. Fuel tanks were a problem, that whole section is a hole, so we rigged a few extra tanks in the hangar. Should be good for about 45 minutes cruising.

    So congratulations, Boss, you're the proud owner of a slightly battered early-mark Python. It's a step up from the shuttle, though, right?"

    *Lots* of pics behind the
    20180308192300_1.jpg 20180308191716_1.jpg 20180308191724_1.jpg 20180308191700_1.jpg 20180308191653_1.jpg 20180308191729_1.jpg 20180222203524_1.jpg 20180222203401_1.jpg
  8. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    See this is why challenges are fun. Lots of original ideas. Well done with the salvage job!
    dpburke2 and Razorwire like this.
  9. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Unique design, the ship meets the weight, fuel, and thrust requirements. No radiation or hotspots in the ship. Thrusters and searchlights are exposed. Devices are accessible by the player.

    Wonderful job.

    Interesting idea, I had to remember to turn the BA off so the repair block would not repair it.

    There are quite a few areas where O2 fails. I love the ship, but I cannot assess it because of all the areas O2 fails.
    Side note, none of the damaged block types are airtight. Everywhere you used the damaged blocks the O2 seal fails.
    T431, dpburke2 and Razorwire like this.
  10. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    That's odd, it's airtight for me, because of the feilds. Took me ages to hunt down all the leaks.
    Are the forcefeilds turned on? Can you give me some pointers as to which areas are not pressurised, or is it literally the whole ship?

    I'll check it again tonight.

    **edit** I thought of a possible cause: last thing I did (and didn't re-check the O2 after, like a nubcake) was to add the shutter ramps for RCS access. Neither shutter ramps, nor RCS are airtight, but the steel block I removed for them was... I think one or both of the RCS compartments may be open to vacuum. **/edit**
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2018
    dpburke2 likes this.
  11. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    One of the RCS compartments was open to vacuum due to the access hatches, voiding most of the ship.
    Also discovered a single-block unpressurised area in the front walkway, and I changed my mind and pressurised the wrecked crew quarters and put the lower nose spotlights back in.

    Workshop updated with a fixed version and replaced the dodgy stats pic with the proper one. Update adds two spotlights, a vent & three fields, and removes a steel block & an RCS.
    Thank you for your patience :D
    Robot Shark, dpburke2 and Na_Palm like this.
  12. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    It has been (mostly) repaired, but I liked the broken look.
    It meets the challenge now, and I know the pain of running down an O2 seal failure because of a RCS unit.
    dpburke2 likes this.
  13. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    • Big Hangar-Space.
      Can hold up to 2 WAR-Monger Heavy Assault Tanks and up to 3 Mark 5 Heavy Combat Fighters - but will be tight then ;-) - or more smaller ones.
      Of course the Tier-6 Land Tank and Tier-4 Landing Shuttle can be transported very easily!
    • Good Working Area and Gardening.
      Directly in the lower Hangar 2 Adv. Constructors with 10 dedicated Cargo Boxes.
      (There are 13 additional Storage Boxes and one Harvester Box around for the various needs like Water, O2, Fuel etc.)
      Directly in the upper Hangar 18 Growing Plots and 1 Food Processor with 7 dedicated Fridges.
    • Medical Bay and Crew Quarters.
      Dedicated Medical Bay with anything related (Medic Station, all 4 Scanners, Toilet and Shower).
      Crew Quarters for 8 Crew Members.
    • Engineering Room with upgrade possibilities.
      Two Engineering Rooms with behind/under lying free space for additions. All RCS can be accessed.
      Recommended Additions/Changes: More Generators, Upgrade to RCS2, more Fuel tanks
    • Additional Passenger Seats and Backup Pilot Seats.
      There are 4 Passenger Seats and 2 additional Backup Pilot Seats for Hull-Breach Scenarios!
      Additional the upper middle section where the Gardening is is Force-Field protected to counter any Hull breaches!
    • Weaponry.
      This Version comes with 6x Minigun and 6x Cannon Turrets.
      It is upgradeable to additional 6x Pulse Lasers, 4x Rocket Launchers, 4x Plasma, 6x Flak, 4x Rocket and 4x Pulse Laser Turrets and 1x Drill Turret.
    (pic showing acceleration values on planet)

    This is an Early Access and Low Energy Variant of my
    -upcoming- Fast-Response Assault-Dropship IRON HAWK
    modified and restricted to match the CV Challenge criterias













    Small Teaser-Pic from the End-Game Version, do you see the differences? ;-)

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2018
  14. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    5.99 Kt, barely under the limit. I could not roast myself anywhere in the crew quarters.
    It looks like you are turning thrusters off in the control panel to save power, I get the generators to 207% when on full thrust.
    I know that you can get that to 85% when using just the normal thrusters/RCS but the option to overtax the generators is there.
    The ship meets the thrust requirements with just the normal thrusters turned on.

    There are airtight window blocks over some of the thrusters, so the exhaust has nowhere to escape to.
    Whats this area behind the RCS units? (scream, thud)
    how do I get out?

    Dedicated crew and medic quarters, it's well thought out, but fails to meet the challenge.
    Razorwire likes this.
  15. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    why that?

    The Windows over the thrusters? I thought these are okay as cosmetic immersive thing?
    But I can and will put on non airtight shutter windows if thats the case. (The advanced EndGame version does have Shutters as you see in the picture)

    Or do you see a problem with me having more than one Thruster-Setting?? Come on! That's not an unusual behavior to have "specialised" Thrusters (and Turrets!!) only for Space - the other Thruster Options are clearly marked as that.

    The Rooms behind and under the Engineering Rooms? As stated in the Description of the Ship, these Rooms are the Expand-and-Additions-Rooms (you wanted that even, check your criterias!), and are cleary marked with a large Exclamation Mark over the Door that leads there. That mean CAUTION THERE! In these Rooms you only need to jump one or two blocks high to get out, Light or Medium Armor with Jetpack will do that. And when you are ready for expanding you will have Armor and Jetpack already.

    So please specify what exactly is not meeting the challenge.
  16. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    I've changed the Windows over the thrusters into non-airtight Railings.
    Also added more Motions Sensors for HangarDoors-Opening.
    Moved a few things around so you only have to jump ONE Block high now in the "Expand-Rooms" to get out there.
    The additional Thrusters for SPACE flight I left there - and will not remove.

    It would be the same as if one says you technically have the option to ramm your scissors into your second Hand, therefore scissors are now forbidden. To have OPTIONS is good, and should not be counted against you. Some common sense should always be applied.
    Otherwise you could remove all your "Bonus" restrictions too.

    Blueprint updated.
    Please re-check now.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2018
    dpburke2 and Robot Shark like this.
  17. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    You replaced the airtight windows with non-airtight walkways, so that part now meets the challenge.

    I am going to ask for the groups opinion on the second item.
    rucky has more thrusters on the ship than the single T1 can handle, and the ship goes over 207% during atmospheric flight.
    BUT, he also included control panel options to turn them off, and the ship goes to 85% during atmospheric flight with the only the "normal" thrusters operational. Does this meet the power requirements? Or do you feel that the ship must make the power requirements W/O turning thrusters off?

    Side note, transparent shutter window blocks are not airtight, so they are also allowed over the thrusters as well. They also provide more protection than walkway blocks. Just remember that the slats need to be placed correctly to allow the thrust through.

    The top one is an example of what NOT to do, the bottom one is correctly placed. Just a thought.

    dpburke2 and Na_Palm like this.
  18. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    To show how I made this:


    which is the default setting the blueprint comes up with.

    In SPACE it will not redline with ANYTHING turned on. So why should the ship not use the additional power it has there?

    edit: only to clarify:

    1) you don't have to turn the additional thrusters off, they are off by default, you have the Option to turn them ON!!

    2) ANYTHING besides this Thruster-Specification is controlled by outer levers (f.e. each Constructor has one, Lights, Turrets, GravityGen, all Repairs (when they are installed)...)
    Also there is a main Thruster lever at the bridge too!
    That means, from the challenge criterias coming, IF you never go into the Control Panel, you wouldn't even see these two additional ThrusterConfigOptions and not even trying to turning them on...
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2018
    dpburke2 and Na_Palm like this.
  19. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    That should be allowed, for my thinking.
    Especially as this are meant to be mid level vessels with room to expand and customisation later by the player.


    @Robot Shark : Are trussblocks allowed, too?
    Or more precisely, are non airtight blocks allowed that could work to chanel the exhaust?
    As in this build:
    NewGame_1_2018-03-10_18-37-55.jpg NewGame_1_2018-03-09_23-11-53.jpg
    dpburke2, Robot Shark and rucky like this.
  20. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    rucky likes this.

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