Fixed Characters Becoming Giants when Exiting Cockpits and Unable to Rejoin a Local Coop Game [7470]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Peregry, Aug 7, 2020.

  1. Peregry

    Peregry Ensign

    Aug 7, 2020
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    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Local Co-op

    SERVER NAME: Local
    SEED-ID: 442009

    If applicable:
    MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: No, default starter planet

    While playing in local co-op mode as host, a strange error keeps popping up: occasionally when exiting a cockpit of any ship (CV, SV, or HV) my character will double in size becoming a giant and potentially getting stuck in terrain if the ceilings are to low. The friend I've been playing with occasionally has the same bug and can fix the error by logging off the server and logging back in; however, when I attempt to do that, rather than being able to log back INTO the local coop server (which is still running), it never loads me back in, instead I get put into an endless "Connecting to Server" loop. In order to then fix it I have to close the dedicated server as well and then restart it.

    Attached Files:

  2. Ensign

    Nov 22, 2016
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    This was actually a funny bug that made us laugh a lot, but here is my report.

    My team mate was miniaturized after using the bathroom. Is his view I was a huge giant. Desktop Screenshot 2020.08.08 - Desktop Screenshot 2020.08.08 -
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. Comp625

    Comp625 Lieutenant

    Jul 24, 2020
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    I could have sworn this player model/avatar resized bug was fixed a few hotfixes ago (12.2?). Anyways, it's still happening, and while funny (for a few mins), it becomes very annoying because your character becomes too big and slow - possibly even getting stuck in smaller corridors.

    Here's how we reproduced it:
    • Quickly enter and exit any cockpit over and over and over again.
    • I also think momentary lag/timing/random performance hiccups can also cause this even if you don't enter and exit quickly. For example: I hit my key to enter the cockpit, but my player doesn't actually enter the cockpit, so I quickly hit the key to enter the cockpit again --> I think this triggers the issue, too.
    Other observations:
    • It happens with both open or closed cockpits.
    • Dying and respawning does not fix it.
    • On other players' screens, you'll appear large but only to a certain point. You'll continue growing larger on your own screen.



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