Added to game [Civ?-fluff] Billboards + Billboard Station - aka project billboard

Discussion in 'Showroom & Submissions' started by sulusdacor, Nov 27, 2022.

  1. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Billboard station
    naming: BAO_AdvertismentStation
    grp: BAOBillboardMAIN
    spawnname: billboard
    -> SAVED with dmg stat ON, for the custom loot of the mini task !!!

    -energy drink
    -multi tool
    -6250 credits
    -1 explorers token (since these mini tasks tend to be explore stuff, i was feeling like putting an explorers token in, remove if you not needed)
    LOOT: (more a civilian fluff station)
    -normal: hidden in engineering vent, behind railing blocks with glowies behind, need to destroy block and duck into some vent at floor
    -rare: at core room
    -normal: in pipe at engineering
    2 normal
    1 rare
    run/float to the engine room at the bottom. flip some levers until all ramps are down. lcd rings show up, aka capacitor is cooled sufficiently. DONE

    solution: literally just try around, it is super simple, some are cross linked. if crosslink then just once, all very basic. the hard/impossible version of this got scrapped ;) if to simple you can cross link more with XOR, but it gets quite a bit harder very fast, so i would be very careful, esp chain crosslinking things.

    "small" billboards
    (the ones on a row are together in a build)

    naming: BAO_billboard1root_infer, BAO_billboard2quant_mary, ... (all named in a similar manner)
    grp name: BAOBillboard
    spawn name: Billboard

    -all these are mostly build as fluff to either spawn in a sector near/next to stations or you can of course use in your own builds as deco.
    -the idea mainly was to establish inferno club and root beer, since these are main quest things and should be known through out the galaxy. this then got out of hand so now every somewhat unique trader has a sign. if i forgot sth with the variety of backgrounds you should find sth that fits and add your own text.
    -empty billboard = an empty one to make your own or for some quest if you need it, not sure. i used this to set up the later ones so i included this here
    -you can switch/combine these how you want, the billboard themselfs or other writing with a background you like. setup is all mostly the same, meaning a background layer with shapes and then writing in a seperate layer. some later ones have some overlapping things or things like zeroG and interWeapon have stuff "sticking" out of the frame. but just copy paste around to create the ones you want.
    -there could be a quest done with these if you put some consoles on the billboards, like that (in front of power deco):

    loose quest idea:

    not sure on the quest contet, it was more of an after thought at the end, that a console could fit and you have these as seperate "go there"-points if spawned. maybe sth like comms lost connection so the player has to check billboards. things like times how long the advertisment is active and what time is left. or/and combined with that some simple math puzzle what the companies/traders have to pay etc. then you have to go to them and ask for the money etc. pp. which could involve a more elaborate sidequest chain, blackmail, funny banter and so on. a basic "run around" quest type basically polished with a decent story could work with them very well i think.

    it was a fun build :D

    Attached Files:

    MatCz, teakeycee and ravien_ff like this.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    These are very cool!
  3. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    updated the billboard2, i spelled quantum wrong, missing the first "u". fixed now.
    ravien_ff likes this.

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