Added to game [civ?] Trading Space Port Arcadis

Discussion in 'Showroom & Submissions' started by sulusdacor, Nov 23, 2022.

  1. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    original by barefootnhilbily:

    (mostly the same, some deco CV build by me, but heavily inspired by barefootnhilbily's Bluestone-Badger-810)

    bp_name: TSO_ArcadisSpacePort
    grp: TSOCivil
    spawn_name: Trading Space-Port-Arcadis
    sizeclass: 18.05

    i saved with dmg stat on, but has admin core so i think loot for mini task should be saved anyway.

    -MarketCafe (Bar/Club)
    -Commodities white
    -Commodities grey
    -armor locker

    DANCE OFF reward (mini task):
    25000 credits, mobility boost(to make your dancing better^^), ancient relic (as a trophy stand in)
    just some go where the circles "light up", aka dance = move around. these are lcds set on a 2 second timer. so the player has to move acording to them. after the sequence is done it resets after a bit, so you can try as much as you want until you get it. not hard in itself, but npc's might block you and there are 10 dance steps. so felt like the reward might need to be a bit more then the other i set at athena. if reward was taken there is a competition closed sign, but you can still do the puzzle/dance (reward taken=player detected via motionsensor in space with reward box)

    -bit maze like on the interior in my opinion but still fine, but mainly the reason why i first did not wanted it to be a trade station, aka admin core. see for yourself
    -dance off reward space i fit with a failsafe since there is a small timeframe when the sequence reset that you can get into that space, then the dance resets and the door closes shutting you in. with the failsafe motionsensor this should be prevented. even in multiplayer this should prevent people from getting stuck there, but i could not test that. if that is the case just set the failsafe motionsensor so you have a free tile in the space so you can leave the trigger space and set it again. again in theory this should never happen, but i could be wrong.
    -this is very losely linked/connected to the daichi headhunter poi/quest. since there i added a LCDs where barefootnhilbily's name is on the wanted lcd screen in the situation room and on this one the arcadis space port is calling the freighter (his ship) to tell him a head hunter is after him to warn him of the danger, but they do not reach him because he is obviously winning the dance competition. so for some reason we have a beginning of a funny quest chain here i think ;)
    -not sure on the faction. i first wanted to add this to pirates, because these large rings busted would look awesome :O , but the sizeclass is so high so i did not add damaged stuff and left the original clean look. for the same reason has the shield, but saved with shields off, because i only later decided on it being a trade station. so yeah just run of the mill trade station i guess.
    -the dance thing was a pain to set up, so i hope you like it :p

    edit: solution dance puzzle in attachment -> SPOILER obviously + forgot the bp apparently

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    Last edited: Nov 24, 2022
    MatCz likes this.

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