Added to game [Civilian]Theta Bio Research + Quest idea

Discussion in 'Showroom & Submissions' started by sulusdacor, Dec 4, 2022.

  1. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Theta Bio Research POI conversion, original by Jenniphurr:


    bp name: BA_ThetaBioResearch
    grp name: ThetaBioMain
    spawn name: Theta Bio Research
    ->Saved with Dmg stat on for Minitask Loot!!
    [flatten ground, keep top soil, offset -6]
    sizeclass: 4.48
    (i need to add some SI support so this got a bit bigger then the workshop version, but most of it is underground, so you could still lower this by a smitch if need be)

    Mini task - wires crossed
    in the messhall go to console to set active. then outside the growing pod the ladder check the pipe connections. trigger left or right to select the right connection. go back to hangar, red crate is open to take loot.
    (the quest "giver" is the NPC girl on the console, she is speaking to you through coms in the messhall + named in list as MQgiver)

    solution is right, left, right

    (circles are the decision points, the squares are start+end. i think this is fairly self explanatory if you trigger the first stage.)

    LOOT-mini task:
    -3 emergency rations
    -30 pistol ammo
    -5 electronics
    -2 optical fibre
    -7 mechanical components
    (in general i was thinking that this colony gets "survival supplies" and these would be in the crate, so repair parts, maybe a weapon (was thinking laster pistol, but found might be to high tier for an easy task), some rations/food that does not spoil fast. i thought maybe an armor or some enviromental protection, but you probably get a light armor, but if placed on a starter and used as early plant tutorial it could be worth to put an armor here)

    sidenote @signals: i know this currently has no feedback if you pick a wrong wire connection. i tried to get this to work properly so it would reset to the start of the pipe quest, but i could not ...
    i overall spend quite a few hours only trying to fix this reset thing with the signals, again today with zero results, so i am simply fed up and done with this.
    everytime i try to do this my signals cut off and everything stops and simply bugs out. i have no idea why. the solution in theory would be to add a delay for the next stage to be active to prevent a loop and a wrong connection reset to the stages, but in practice it does simply not work. or to be precise it works a few times and then stops, why i have no idea.
    with the time setting up the original quest with LCD's + signals and this headache of a reset thing i simply have no patience left here. it works and the stakes are non existent in this mini task anyway, so yeah. the overall idea behind these is to show what is possible and what quests could be done. i think this is achieved, so i book this under DONE.


    Plant things
    ->All have a console for a potential quest.

    bp name: BA_ThetaPlantAloe, BA_ThetaPlantBuds, BA_ThetaPlantFibre, BA_ThetaPlantHoney, BA_ThetaPlantSpice
    grp name: ThetaBioAUX
    spawnname: Plant Analyzer
    [flatten ground, keep top soil, offset -4]
    (all have generator+fuel+core below ground and some blocks for SI support in the ground. these are set up so even on rougher terrain they should not show. all setup so if you remove the si support = railing+console, they collapse. i think this is a valid strategy, but it would prevent you from turning in the quest. plants support SI too in theory btw, but they have no block below to not make this strange.)

    outside quest idea with plant analyzers:
    (overall this could be used for a light tutorial, plant exposition, empyriopedia style opening etc. pp)
    from the workshop page of the build we have a "Test the plant life for suitable food sources and medicinal properties." so going of this i think the outpost would investigate plants somehow. this could be different plants(how i set up these) or it could be the same plant in different clima zones. either way this works and gives us a reason to send the player to different zones of the planet.
    so the quest could be:
    -quest giver NPC could be the guy in the habitation on the sofa
    -we lost our pilot of the "investigation" vehicle -> justification to send the player on his way and let NPCs sit on their behind (mini task eludes to bill gone, maybe he was the pilot + the vehicle can only operated with a proper license, see LCD, which the player obivously does not have*) - i was thinking it could be a "pilot got eaten by wildlife" type of deal here.
    -now colony must check data from the plant analyzers and since you got a vehicle sv/hv/ship you are tasked to do this. so you are send to the analyzers to click the consoles.
    -at plant analyzer consoles short pop up, could just be data downloaded or this could even be tutorial esq screen with pictures/video for a plant, where does it grow, what is it used for and so on. sky is the limit here.
    -you go back to the questgiver get loot and are done. rewards could be plant stuff (seeds, growplots etc) or bio data they copy from what you collected or could be like the mini task, aka stuff from the supplies they got (armor stuff, simple weapons, rations, repair parts, tools - aka any stuff that helps to survive a planet)

    *there could be a POI where you can do a license test type mini task that references this for worldbuilding. think scifi drivers license, could be very funny ;)

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