I started working on some HV models that I really enjoyed and morphing them into CVs. For simpler designs it works out quite well. Unfortunately for more complex HVs it can be somewhat painful tracking down particular windows, walkwaysmallblocks or windowshuttersmallblocks and no amount of replaceblocks will help. Any ideas on how to find these remaining blocks? 1690 WalkwaySmallBlocks (Walkways & Railings S) <<< !!! 976 WindowShutterSmallBlocks (Shutter Window S) <<< !!! I've spent a few hours this morning trying to find blocks and finally found one old HV window pain (Freudian slip) and it was internal and very hard to visibly see.
Attached the blueprint I'm working on, all original design <3 goes to H.P. Strangelove https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993969650 Original Blueprint: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1652922154
I've read that splitting the build into halves/quarters can help at least ballpark the location of the forbidden blocks. I would gladly convert them to empty blocks if such a thing was possible (replaceblocks is like NOPE 0 blocks replaced)
Going to systematically replace the WindowShutterSmallBlocks children with empty, think I have it now WindowVertShutterArmored, WindowSlopedShutterArmored, WindowSloped2ShutterArmored, WindowVertShutterTransArmored, WindowSlopedShutterTransArmored