Fixed CoQ loop if a space playfield.yaml has drones but no patrol vessels [7719]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by ravien_ff, Dec 22, 2020.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Build: 3203
    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Single Player

    SEED-ID: 1234

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Major

    Type: Playfield

    Summary: If a space playfield uses a playfield.yaml and has drones setup but no AI patrol vessels or freighters, then entering the playfield causes a CoQ loop.

    If a space playfield uses a fixed playfield.yaml file, has a drone base with random patrolling drones, and does not have any freighters or orbital patrols listed, then entering the playfield causes a CoQ loop.
    Previously to 1.3, this worked fine.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    Tested in both a custom scenario and default survival using seed 1234.

    Start a new default survival game using seed 1234 on the Temperate starting planet.
    Fully exit the game after leaving your escape pod.
    Go to your save game folder and find the template file for the orbit of the planet you started on. For example, NewGame/Templates/Owu Sector
    Edit the playfield.yaml for the orbit.
    Remove or comment out all the entries for the patrol vessels or freighters like so:
        # - Name: Freighter
          # Faction: Polaris
          # FixedMaxSpeed: 37
          # Mission: Freighter
          # Freighter:
            # DelayBetweenRespawn: 476
            # DelayBeforeSelfDestruction: 235
            # IsRespawnAfterDestruction: true
            # PathWayPoint:
            # - - -1172
              # - -2847
              # - 4107
            # - - -4944
              # - -1941
              # - 1239
            # - - -3834
              # - -3336
              # - -3960
            # - - 1332
              # - -4555
              # - -4668
            # - - 5354
              # - -1882
              # - -1341
            # - - 3738
              # - -5824
              # - 3862
          # Stock:
          # - Name: SpaceDronePolarisLaser
            # Amount: 3
            # Extra: 0
            # Type: FighterDrone
        # - Name: Freighter
          # Faction: Polaris
          # FixedMaxSpeed: 29
          # Mission: Freighter
          # Freighter:
            # DelayBetweenRespawn: 524
            # DelayBeforeSelfDestruction: 211
            # IsRespawnAfterDestruction: true
            # PathWayPoint:
            # - - -2671
              # - 4849
              # - -3144
            # - - -6145
              # - -2493
              # - 1122
            # - - -2097
              # - 569
              # - 5874
            # - - 3919
              # - -4423
              # - 4613
            # - - 6289
              # - 2401
              # - -1148
            # - - 2385
              # - 7397
              # - -6679
          # Stock:
          # - Name: SpaceDronePolarisLaser
            # Amount: 3
            # Extra: 0
            # Type: FighterDrone
        # - Name: Freighter
          # Faction: Polaris
          # FixedMaxSpeed: 35
          # Mission: Freighter
          # Freighter:
            # DelayBetweenRespawn: 334
            # DelayBeforeSelfDestruction: 212
            # IsRespawnAfterDestruction: true
            # PathWayPoint:
            # - - 1694
              # - 1157
              # - -4535
            # - - -4274
              # - 2938
              # - -3398
            # - - -4499
              # - 2159
              # - 2979
            # - - 1354
              # - 892
              # - 4878
            # - - 5327
              # - -5492
              # - 231
          # Stock:
          # - Name: SpaceDronePolarisLaser
            # Amount: 3
            # Extra: 0
            # Type: FighterDrone
    Leave the entries for the random patrolling drones.

    Start Empyrion and resume your save game.
    Fly or teleport to the orbit of your starting planet.
    There will be a CoQ error loop.

    This is reproducible also when starting a new game in a custom scenario that uses a playfield.yaml for a space playfield that has drones but no freighters or patrol vessels. Adding a single freighter to the playfield.yaml fixed the error in testing.
    First reported in the 'Sphere Access 1' playfield of Project Eden on the workshop. Reproduced in default survival by editing the playfield.yaml of the save game.

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
    Log attached.
    Edited playfield.yaml used from the save game attached.
    Save game attached with character logged out in the affected playfield.

    Attached Files:

    Pach and Aersaud like this.

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