Help needed Create an NPC Faction

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Karmaot, May 5, 2024.

  1. Karmaot

    Karmaot Ensign

    May 5, 2024
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    First of all, my English isn't perfect, so forgive me if I express myself badly.

    Request: I want to create an NPC faction.

    Server status: My server, currently hosted on Nitrado, is configured on ravien_ff's Reforged Eden mod.

    Explanation: I've recently spent a lot of time using the aimanager tool. After laborious testing, I managed to put the AI on my blueprints. However, the AI piloting a ship belonging to my faction (which comes from the "Human" category) doesn't fight ships from other NPC factions. I'd like to create a new NPC faction to solve this problem.

    What I'm looking for: - I'd like to know and understand how to create a new NPC faction without it hindering the functionality of the game or the Reforged Eden mod.

    - Know how to set up the new faction, which faction it can attack, which faction it can't (I'm talking about the ia/new faction). Initial reputation in relation to players. (I know this all happens in the faction.ecf file, however I read a ravien_ff article from 2017 that explained that modifying the "AttackNPC" as well as "ForceAttack" functions could break NPC fights in the game).

    - And finally (Less important but I'd like to know how to do it) how to put the new faction I've just created on playing fields. I'm talking about putting a territory on a Planet / on the galaxy map.

    Thank you for your attention to my request.


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