Cross-Server Alliance - Creating one Empyrion Galaxy

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by barkel, Jul 11, 2017.


As a server-admin I would like to be part of such an initiative and would tie my server to it.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Maybe

  1. barkel

    barkel Ensign

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Dear fellow Server-Admins,

    Since the EAH has this nice little implemented feaure, called Cross-Server Warp (CSW), which to me does not seem to be an inherent feature of the standard game (but it should be!), I want to bring up the idea of an ever expanding and dynamic universe consisting of several servers that can dynamically connect their star system to the network (lets call it "cross-server alliance"). This would facilitate the feeling of a real galaxy and give in parallel the freedom to microdesign every server (starsystem) with different ideas (of course with some standards to hold to). The computing power would be distributed to all the different servers though.

    The idea would require extensive discussions of how to create such a dynamic galaxy as it existence would be bound to some restrictions:
    • server pings / availability
    • design standards
    • available slots
    • special "access" servers, whereas the others are only available from ingame

    But, in general this seems to be the logical step in the near future to push empyrion on the multiplayer scale and make the game experience more interesting.

    It might be advantagous to team up with the EAH developers (if they are interested) to expand the tools capabilities to the specific pre-requisites this idea would require, or to start a new piece of software that is specifically designed for this purpose.

    I am looking forward to discuss with you guys!

    Best, barkel

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