Current exp. I (1.94.10): Please devs, make clarifications in the patch notes

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by japp_02, Mar 28, 2023.

  1. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    It's about this in the Experimental I (1.94.10):

    00171 Solar power & battery calculation issue when returning to a playfield

    I'm very happy that this error is finally about to be fixed, but it needs clarifications about how solar panels work when you leave the playfield and stay away for some amount of real-time, what will the power consumption be?
    My understanding was always this (but maybe wrong):
    You need to calculate ahead if you have instances running in your base and how much they will consume considered that you may leave the place for a certain nr. of *real time*, meaning possibly *a lot of days* in game time. For that you can take the 'Power left' nr. as good estimation of consumption.

    But in this case players must know how bad weather occurences on planets (which don't fill the capacitators!) are simulated when you are away from your solar-powered base, that was never clear at all, just fixing the code may not be enough but may lead to other misbeliefs in the gameplay mechanics with a lot of false bug reports following.

    Thank you to clarify the gameplay mechanic for solar panels in such situations!

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