[Dedicated Server] 6.0.1 - Canada 24/7 Dedicated Vanilla Server PvE/PvP Easy/Normal Settings!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by StoneLegion, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Hey all I have sort of a Vanilla server going. I decided be fun to run a server using just the vanilla universe to start with. We most are using default settings. Some settings are set a bit easier while most are medium settings. Nothing too special. The Planets / Templates themselves are left the same so there is a mix of PvE and PvP Planets.

    Server Name: Canada 24/7 Dedicated Vanilla Server PvE/PvP Easy/Normal Settings!
    Recommended Filter on Server Browser: Canada
    Discord: http://discord.gg/0Wb1VZCb8Ez32cit

    Server Specs:
    i7-2600 3.4ghz
    16 Gigs of ram

    Sorry but my monthly server allowance goes to paying for the Empyrion Online site each month on it's own dedicated box. So I'm using some older hardware at home. While the connection is great it is also older hardware and I have some sadly faults on the motherboard so it does crash from time to time and there is nothing I can do about it till I can either find a job on the Internet or wait till my lease is up then move somewhere to find a job haha. Either way this is life but I hope we make a wonderful community/family either way!

    We hope to see you on the server soon!

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
  2. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    So sadly the other day we ended up having a wipe. There is not auto backup of the game files nor a .bak version of the critical files and our Hardware on the box is sadly a bit old but also there is a hardware fault. We had a hard crash that seem to have nuked the game.dat file I assume half way in saving. Either way we have a better back up system now but we had to start fresh since well when you lose critical files things don't work out so well.

    I'm deeply sorry about this and I hope you can forgive me!

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