CV Drill Module Laser vs Drill Turret - balance vanilia

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Antares, Oct 19, 2023.

  1. Antares

    Antares Ensign

    Dec 2, 2022
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    The current balance is incorrect. Drill turret collects much faster than 6 Drill module laser.

    Drill turret you need:
    - any ship
    - 20lv to unlock
    - energy 3,15 kPU

    6x Drill Module Laser you need:
    - special ship (built for lasers)
    - 25 lv to unlock
    - energy 13,32 kPU

    Drill Module Laser is a higher technology in the skill tree and is much weaker.
    Tests carried out with friends show that it collects much faster Drill Turret. Even with the best deployed with drill module laser 6x you don't stand a chance.

    So what is the point of investing in higher technology if it is so useless?
    Maybe it's time to consider improving these drill module laser ?

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