drop rate of new optronicx too low

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by stanley bourdon, Nov 23, 2019.

  1. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I have done 40 pink and 115 red containers. I have found 9 large bridge 5 small bridges and 4 small matrices. there is no way I am going to PVP like that. spend 1-3 weeks doing nothing but raiding and trading to have it blown up by a garage ship with an alien core that has no CPU restrictions. Sorry, not going to happen.

    The message I posted in HWS discord.

    to the broader situation, I am not going to grind that hard in single player either. Grinding is not fun. so why not trade to buy them. The POI's I did to find them netted me about 2,000,000 credits, that is not enough credits to buy even 1 complete set of tier 4 extenders for large blocks. I did that grind with ships that were mid-game and would have needed extenders to work if CPU had been on. The grind for both parts and credits would have been even worse with tier 1&2 ships.

    Grinding is not gameplay. Adding grinding is not a substitute for content.

  2. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    HWS actually turned the CPU limits on?
  3. No they didn't. They started including the drops now though so players can get used to building with them for next season (assuming there is any semblance of balance to CPU by then).
  4. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    yes he did for "2" days as a test goes back off "Monday morning" My ship did not fly without adding tier 3 extenders
  5. Yeah, I just now see that Rex turned it on and decided not to communicate it through his forums at all.
    That's really not cool since the forums have always been the official place for information and changes. His last announcement on the forums assured us it wouldn't be activated until next season.
    I don't and never will use discord like that because I think it's a terrible layout. Oh well, the flight mechanics and speed bugs of 11.0 might have killed the game forever for me anyways.
    elmo likes this.
  6. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I am at this time having a real hard time getting much enjoyment out of playing EGS. M/V I found as a challenge this is just not fun.
    elmo likes this.
  7. Roughneck270

    Roughneck270 Ensign

    Feb 2, 2019
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    Just wait until it's on and fully active, the bridges and matrixes are not one time finds. Every time you repair a vessel with the extenders damaged you'll have to have more to repair.

    Not to mention a limited number on starters and you'll be on foot and motorcycle for weeks trying to find enough to spawn in a ship.
    stanley bourdon likes this.

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