Its been rather amusing to look at the keen forum lately , there are dozens of posts about DX11 issues, and people trying to push there old video cards to far, melting them, blaming the developers, being generally arse monkeys , all sorts of amusing bugs in it, always good for a laugh that forum, there are so many loonies on it that go berko over the smallest thing. Fanboys abusing other fanboys hahaha calling them buttwipes and beavis heads, I wonder if keen developers read all that crap and just laugh, I know I would. Anyway Tuesday rant done, must go to school.
Uh, Wut? Most of the hardware owned by people here is Geforce 400 class or better, anything made within the last 5 years should be able run the game medium-high quality at 720p, a more recent card from the 600 class should be able to do 1080p on stock clock on very high settings and get 40 - 60 fps. A mild overclock should be able to push that into the 55 - 75 range. Most monitors max out at 60 hz, so anything beyond 60 fps is just interpolation gravy.
She is refering to the people saying they are gonna have to upgrade because apparently their video card shows everything wrong, they are blaming the card when its actually the game, only 6 of the blocks got changed to DX11 compatible graphics the others should work ok just render as the old textures but for some reason stuff keeps going black and the lighting issues are weird, I stopped playing over 2 weeks ago because Singleplayer is boring on SE and Multiplayer is lag city because everyone keeps building huge drill ships, and giant cruisers, I gave up. But your absolutely right Van, our graphics cards are all pretty good for either game, SE or EGS, they are moaning without reason. Hi Amy have you got your pre-order done for EGS????? Now we have a date we should get more proactive about that female character model LOL.
So did you actually want a female character on startup????? Eleon are online at the moment if we hurry and post we might get their attention on that thread!!!!!