Fixed EAH can connect to server, my client cannot

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by instantrice, Jun 2, 2019.

  1. instantrice

    instantrice Ensign

    Sep 27, 2017
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    I'm setting up a server for about the dozenth time but I'm completely unable to connect to it. Important details:

    -Server is running on my local machine and I'm connecting via so I'm not at the point where I have to worry about port forwarding or firewalls
    -I see "connecting to server" until I'm kicked back to the menu
    -EAC has been disabled and re-enabled and tested. I can produce a direct "you have been kicked due to EAC" error, but I suspect this isn't the case since I'm normally not seeing anything about EAC

    Here are the logs:

    02-01:30:36.825 21_30 -LOG- [PA] Player 76561198042100820/'Steeb' asking for login
    02-01:30:36.825 21_30 -LOG- Steam: BeginAuthSession for player CId=5, EId=-1, 76561198042100820//'Steeb', result: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK
    02-01:30:36.825 21_30 -LOG- [PA] Player 76561198042100820/'Steeb' login ok
    02-01:30:36.825 21_30 -LOG- EAC: Registered CId=5, EId=-1, 76561198042100820//'Steeb'
    02-01:30:36.975 21_30 -LOG- AuthState: Client CId=5, EId=-1, 76561198042100820//'Steeb' asks to enter game BEFORE EAC decided auth state
    02-01:30:37.374 21_30 -LOG- AuthState: UserStatus update came AFTER client asked to enter the game (ClientAuthenticatedLocal)
    02-01:30:37.374 21_30 -LOG- Could not load player file or no last playfield for player 'Steeb' found, asking player for his last playfield
    02-01:30:37.397 21_30 -ERR- Task_CommWriterRPC (cl=Steeb, ch=2):
    02-01:30:37.397 21_30 -EXC- System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: s
    at System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetByteCount (System.String chars) [0x00003] in <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.DiskTree.Write (System.String _value) [0x00000] in <54dd45b508314475b73d9bcedc33be34>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.PathLayout.CloseNetwork (System.IO.BinaryWriter ) [0x00107] in <54dd45b508314475b73d9bcedc33be34>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.ConditionManager.LoadMenuItem (System.IO.BinaryWriter ) [0x0001a] in <54dd45b508314475b73d9bcedc33be34>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.GroupService.OpenControl (Assembly-CSharp.AddinHelper+ProjectSet ) [0x00143] in <54dd45b508314475b73d9bcedc33be34>:0
    02-01:30:49.001 21_30 -LOG- Uptime=00h10m heap= 45MB fps= 20 players= 0 pfs=r0/i1/a0 nwqueue=0
    02-01:30:49.001 21_30 -LOG- INFO RakNet(from last log): sent 1.05 KB received 4.08 KB in send buffer: 0 B

    02-01:30:49.003 21_30 -LOG- GameOptions: Using dataset 'MP, Survival' for condition 'Survival, MP'
    02-01:31:38.451 21_31 -LOG- UserStatus for eac-CID 76561198042100820: ClientAuthenticationFailed Kick? True Message: Authentication timed out (2/2)
    02-01:31:38.451 21_31 -LOG- AuthState: UserStatus update came AFTER client asked to enter the game - kick required! (ClientAuthenticationFailed)
    02-01:31:38.451 21_31 -LOG- Server kicking player CId=5, EId=-1, 76561198042100820/=/'Steeb': Kicked by EAC. Please check if you started the game with AntiCheat protection software enabled
    02-01:31:41.495 21_31 -WRN- Disconnect player: PfServer for client 5 not found (B)!
    02-01:31:41.495 21_31 -LOG- Client 5/'Steeb' disconnected (not on a playfield)
    02-01:31:41.495 21_31 -LOG- [CM] Player CId=5, EId=-1, 76561198042100820/=/'Steeb' disconnected
    02-01:31:41.496 21_31 -LOG- EAC: Un-Registered CId=5, EId=-1, 76561198042100820/=/'Steeb'
    02-01:31:41.496 21_31 -LOG- Steam: EndAuthSession for SteamID 76561198042100820
    02-01:31:41.545 21_31 -LOG- [CM] Player logged off without data
  2. instantrice

    instantrice Ensign

    Sep 27, 2017
    Likes Received:
    As requested here is a full log from starting the server this morning and attempting to connect

    Attached Files:


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