Hi, I am trying to extend well the reforged eden module and wanting to add an extra tier of warp drive and an SV compatible crew members only problem is I keep getting this error: 31-06:05:36.822 16_05 -EXC- System.Exception: No item/block with name 'SVAlienNPCBlocks' existing 31-06:05:22.056 16_05 -EXC- System.Exception: Missing item 'WarpDriveT3' What I have done ; I have modified template.ecf to include Code: # ======= NPC Blocks ======= { +Template Name: SVAlienNPCBlocks BaseItem: true DeconOverride: Stop CraftTime: 20 Target: "" { Child Inputs } } { +Template Name: SVHumanNPCBlocks BaseItem: true DeconOverride: Stop CraftTime: 20 Target: "" { Child Inputs } } # ======= Warp Drives ======= { +Template Name: WarpDriveT3 CraftTime: 190 #C2 CV 10 Target: "" { Child Inputs } } Then I have gone over to BlocksConfig.ecf and added Code: { +Block Id: 2049, Name: SVAlienNPCBlocks Material: human Shape: Invisible # Model: Entities/Decorations/DecoNPC/ControlStationNPCPrefab DropMeshfile: Entities/Misc/BagSmallPrefab # ModelOffset: "0,0.5,0" Place: Free AllowPlacingAt: "SS,GV", display: false Info: Crew for your ship. They help operate the devices., display: true Mass: 80, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram Volume: 40, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt StackSize: 1000 MarketPrice: 40000 Category: Devices ChildBlocks: "CommandingOfficerAlien, SecurityGuardAlien, ControlStationNPC, ReceptionTableNPC, ScifiTableV2NPC, ScifiSofaNPC, ScifiTableNPC, ConsoleSmallNPC, SofaNPC, StandingNPC, StandingNPC2, ScifiLargeSofaNPC, ScifiTableNPC2, ScifiTableNPC3, DancingAlien1, DancingAlien2, GamblingTableTwoPerson, GamblingTableMultiplePeople" } { +Block Id: 2050, Name: SVHumanNPCBlocks Material: human Shape: Invisible # Model: Entities/Decorations/DecoNPC/ConsoleSmallHumanPrefab DropMeshfile: Entities/Misc/BagSmallPrefab # ModelOffset: "0,0.5,0" Place: Free AllowPlacingAt: "SS,GV", display: false Info: Crew for your ship. They help operate the devices., display: true Mass: 80, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram Volume: 40, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter StackSize: 1000 MarketPrice: 40000 EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt Category: Devices ChildBlocks: "ConsoleSmallHuman, StandingHuman, StandingHuman2, ControlStationHuman, ControlStationHuman2, ReceptionTableHuman, ScifiTableHuman, ScifiLargeSofaHuman, TacticalOfficer, CommandingOfficer, CommandingOfficer2, SecurityGuard, SecurityGuard2, OperatorPilot, EngineerMainStation, DancingHuman1, DancingHuman2, DancingHuman3" } { +Block Id: 2051, Name: NPCAlienSV Material: human # do not use "alien" because it will show dirt effect Shape: ModelEntity Model: Entities/Decorations/HomeSweetHome/BedPrefab DropMeshfile: Entities/Misc/BagSmallPrefab BlockColor: "110,110,110" Place: Free AllowPlacingAt: "SS,GV", display: true SizeInBlocks: "1,1,1", display: true SizeInBlocksLocked: "SS,GV" IsAccessible: false, type: bool IsOxygenTight: false, display: true Category: Deco Blocks TemplateRoot: SVAlienNPCBlocks # ModelOffset: "0,0.5,0" ShowUser: No XpFactor: 0 # no experience gain when destroyed HitPoints: 5, type: int, display: false CPUIn: -4000, type: int, display: true BlastParticleIndex: 14 BlastRadius: 1 BlastDamage: 0 MarketPrice: 40000 Mass: 80, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram } { +Block Id: 2052, Name: NPCHumanSV Material: human Shape: ModelEntity Model: Entities/Decorations/HomeSweetHome/BedPrefab DropMeshfile: Entities/Misc/BagSmallPrefab BlockColor: "110,110,110" Place: Free AllowPlacingAt: "SS,GV", display: true SizeInBlocks: "1,1,1", display: true SizeInBlocksLocked: "SS,GV" IsAccessible: false, type: bool IsOxygenTight: false, display: true Category: Deco Blocks TemplateRoot: SVHumanNPCBlocks # ModelOffset: "0,0.5,0" ShowUser: No XpFactor: 0 # no experience gain when destroyed HitPoints: 5, type: int, display: false CPUIn: -2000, type: int, display: true BlastParticleIndex: 14 BlastRadius: 1 BlastDamage: 0 MarketPrice: 40000 Mass: 80, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram } # ========== CV T3 Warp Drive ========= { +Block Id: 2053, Name: WarpDriveT3 Class: WarpDrive Group: cpgWarp IndexName: WarpDrive Material: metal Shape: ModelEntity ShowBlockName: true CustomIcon: WarpDrive Model: @models/Blocks/Mothership/WarpDriveT2Prefab Mesh-Damage-1: Mesh/D0 Mesh-Damage-2: Mesh/D1 Mesh-Damage-3: Mesh/D2 Mesh-Damage-4: Mesh/D3 DropMeshfile: Entities/Misc/BagSmallPrefab Place: Free AllowPlacingAt: MS, display: true SizeInBlocks: "3,2,5", display: true SizeInBlocksLocked: "Base,MS" Volume: 4800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter Mass: 142360, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram IsDuplicateable: false MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true ForceMaxCount: true IsOxygenTight: false, display: true StackSize: 250 BlockColor: "110,110,110" Category: Devices Info: Expands WarpDrive Capability. Has been heavily modified by some mad genius using rare alien technology. WARNING MAY EXPLODE WITH THE POWER OF A NUKE! , display: true EnergyIn: 70, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt CPUIn: 20000, type: int, display: true BlastParticleIndex: 9 BlastRadius: 80 BlastDamage: 200000 ItemPerAU: PentaxidCrystal CostPerAU: -0.3, display: true CostPerLY: -1.2, display: true RangeAU: +75, display: true RangeLY: +75, display: true Radiation: 15, display: RadiationLevel # Radiation (= Radiation Protection) already exists for Player Armor Temperature: 40, display: true } Then for good measure during trying to debug I searched the empyrion folder for all entries of WarpDriveT2 and NPCBlocks. I found entries in localization.csv so I added accordingly following the same format that was already there. Code: WarpDriveT3,Alien Warp Drive Extender,Verbesserter Warpantrieb,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SVHumanNPCBlocks,Human SV/HV Crew,Crew (Menschen),Équipage (humain),Equipaggio (umano),Tripulante (Humano),,Tripulação (Humano),Załoga (człowiek),Экипаж (человек),乗員(Human),舰员 (人类),,,Mürettebat (İnsan),Πλήρωμα (Άνθρωποι),Bemanning (mens),Phi hành đoàn (con người) SVAlienNPCBlocks,Alien SV/HV Crew,Crew (Aliens),Équipage (Alien),Equipaggio (alieno),Tripulante (Alien),,Tripulação (Alien),Załoga (obcy),Экипаж (чужой),乗員(Alien),舰员 (外星人),,,Mürettebat (Uzaylı),Πλήρωμα (Εξωγήινοι),Bemanning (buitenaards),Phi hành đoàn (chủng tộc khác) Not sure if this is the right category for this but do hope I can find some help . As I have hit a wall and obviously I am missing something as I have copied the layout of the similar blocks and haven't managed to yield any success.
Just a bit of side information. Taelyn posted in general to a question I had, there are no more ID's available and thus items can't be added.
Taelyn also suggested that since some IDs are taken by items that are not used in game anymore, we could try using these ID numbers for our custom items (replace or comment-out the unused items).