Fixed Extreme Annoyance

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Hoodedswan, Apr 5, 2019.

  1. Hoodedswan

    Hoodedswan Ensign

    May 9, 2016
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    With the new current update Alpha and in (SP) mode nearly everything I click on, for example going to sleep, entering the cockpit of an SV or CV vechile, exiting out of a constructor, o2 tank, food processor, medic station. The list goes on.

    I get the following message, "You are not connected to a container via the Logistic Network (F4)". This messaging and others like it for example, "Press ‘T’ to open Automatic Door 2" are an Extreme Annoyance to me and maybe other players, who have in excess of thousands of hours playing EGS.

    I have gone into options, misc menu and noticed that "In-game hints" is off. However this option currently does not work. That is you cannot turn it on or off.

    It would be very much appreciated if one could turn of these 'helpful hints', for those that do not want them on.

  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    These are two different messages.

    The "You are not connected.." should not pop up that often - only if you try to do something that does not work - like hitting T ... or do you mean when having remapped the USE key from F to T?

    The Help system (lower middle screen) should be deactivateable, yes. Will check that.
  3. Hoodedswan

    Hoodedswan Ensign

    May 9, 2016
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    Thank you Hummel-o-War for your reply and I apologize for posting in the wrong area. You also are right there are two different messages.

    I do remap my keys, 'f' key becomes my 'inventory' and my 't' key becomes my 'pick up' key. This would be the source of the frequent 'you are not connected to a container', (I reset my keys to default). I remap those keys for ease of use and the frequency of using those keys. I remapped my keys accordingly and the frequent message 'container' seems to have disappeared. (The update, may have caused the problem). So this problem is not a bug per se.

    I assume by your 'The Help system (lower middle screen)' you mean 'options, misc menu and noticed that "In-game hints"', this is still not functioning as of this moment. Otherwise I'm lost. This problem seems to be a legit bug.

    Again thank you for you insight and help.

    Hummel-o-War likes this.

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