Help needed Factions and admin commands

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by elmogrita, Nov 11, 2021.

  1. elmogrita

    elmogrita Ensign

    Sep 21, 2021
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    I run a server with some friends, last night we were out fighting in legacy space and a structure that we had disabled and started salvaging the night before had respawned so we engaged it to disable it again and after 10 minutes or so of direct barrages from 5 warships it was still shooting back so I hopped in GM and flew out to see what was going on, it had not even a scratch on it... ok odd, I thought, this thing was pretty easy to kill last night? So I ghost in and find the core, drop an explosive on it and... nothing. Go look with my multi tool and it is a damaged admin core now? "Ok, whatever, I will just use admin powers to get rid of the core since we already defeated it once." So I start looking online and someone suggests using the command "faction allow Adm <player ID>", put in the command get "could not parse player ID" think no more of it and then use godmode invisible to destroy the core. This morning when I log on I am now in the admin faction and it will not switch me back to my faction with the admin command, keeps saying "could not parse player ID", now this wouldn't be a big deal except I was the owner of the faction and there is only 1 admin. I have rebooted the server, tried several different permutations of the command and no luck.

    What can I do to get myself back into the faction and make myself owner? Is there an admin command or series of commands that can accomplish this or is there a file on the server that I can edit?

    What am I doing wrong that it keeps telling me it can't parse the player ID??
  2. elmogrita

    elmogrita Ensign

    Sep 21, 2021
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    Ok, I figured out how to get myself back into the faction by using DI to get my player ID, is there a command to make myself the faction owner again?

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