Fixed failed to retrieve server information

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Alfred (Earth Apple), Jul 4, 2019.

  1. Alfred (Earth Apple)

    Alfred (Earth Apple) Ensign

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Searched for those words in the forum and nothing came up. I'm trying to connect to a friends server and it's worked in the past but I'm only able to connect via the friends tab in game. I'm unable to connect via ip address or via joining through steam. It also doesn't show up when I type the name of the server into the search bar in the main tab. He's opened his ports, turned off his firewalls, and made sure his game was up to date. We're not sure how to fix the problem anymore. I'm already running the game in admin as well, so that's not the issue.

    Idk what's up with this prefix thing so I'm just selecting something and going with it. If it's wrong then oops.

    Edit: Fixed it by him reworking his ports again.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019

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