Added to game Farr - Crash site

Discussion in 'Showroom & Submissions' started by spanj, May 14, 2021.

  1. spanj

    spanj Captain

    Oct 12, 2016
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    Faction: Brotherhood of Farr
    Spawn: alone but near Temple prime
    size class: 11
    Group name: FarrCrashSite

    Required for the lore of the faction, this is the ship Farr crashed on the homeworld and cannibalised to create the tractor beam that sits at the centre of Temple Prime.
    It is now a museum to Farr and the ship itself which is little more than just a husk of a ship after Farr stripped so much of it down to build the Tractor beam and later the beacon that called the Polaris.

    Very little loot but lots of info on the history of the faction, something for the player to explore.

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