Fixed - VolumeCapacity config lines do not seem to work.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by drog007, Jul 5, 2021.

  1. drog007

    drog007 Lieutenant

    Sep 8, 2016
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    We are in the process of trying to customize a server at the moment, and would like to make a couple customization to volume capacity of the ContainerControllerLarge and ContainerEntensionLarge. Unfortunately it seems that the VolumeCapacity variable in the ecf files is ignored.

    I have tried placing the requisite configuration in config.ecf, and BlocksConfig.ecf

    I can successfully update CPUIn, MaxVolumeCapacity, and pretty much any other property available for the blocks, but VolumeCapacity does not seem to change.

    Am I missing something? Is there an option or parent class to be updated in another ecf file or something else simple but easily overlooked?
  2. drog007

    drog007 Lieutenant

    Sep 8, 2016
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    Ok. My issue is solved, but I'm leaving this here with the solution in case others have the same problem - It does update, but does not apply to existing container groups until you make a change that causes them to recalculate capacity (For example: Removing/adding an extension).

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