CV FORGE: Aerial Skyfortress

Discussion in 'Stock Blueprints (Repository)' started by Hummel-o-War, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    16 Desertdawn_2019-11-09_15-09-39.png
    (by @Vermillion )

    Blueprint Name
    : FORGE - Aerial Skyfortress
    Spawn Name: FA-049 Stratus Skyfortress
    Class: 2.10 (2)
    Dimensions: 122 x 48 x 10 m (Yes, it's wider than most POIs)
    Mass: 1.45 kT
    CPU: 179,138 / 200,000 CPU (Tier 1)
    Materials: Hardened Steel, Steel and Carbon Composite.
    Light Count: 16 (6 are spotlights)
    Turrets: 8 Retractable Cannon Turrets.
    Unlock Level: 10 (M-Thrusters unlock at Level 10)
    Pressurized: True
    Gravity: None

    Handling Notice
    • This one has been refit for early player use, by removing the shield generator.
    • It includes an LCD screen attached to the core with a User Manual on how the ship works and where it should be used.
    • No Erestrum or Zascosium is used.

    The Stratus Skyfortress is a highly-specialized aerial CV for early game. It has a massive wingspan to facilitate maximum lift allowing it to move about freely inside a planet's atmosphere with tiny fuel consumption.

    Similarly, all its functional weapons are cannon turrets located on it's underside; for bombing runs over enemy POIs.

    The underside of the fuselage is armored in Hardened Steel, 2 blocks thick in some places. The upper fuselage and engine cowlings are steel, with the bulk of the wings being made of Carbon Composite.
    The stratus is warp capable, with a Warp drive above 2 layers of hardened steel and a 3x3x3 slot for a shield generator, with CPU to spare. Most of this info is on the LCD user manual in the cockpit.

    It can carry some cargo and a small HV/SV internally; it has several furnished bedrooms, a kitchen, small constructor and basic medical equipment. It's not a mobile base, but is fully capable of getting you set up with one elsewhere.

    It works fine in space, but probably won't survive any ship vs ship combat. It will fly without atmosphere on a moon; not so much on an airless world with higher gravity. Though if we ever get gas giants with dense atmosphere, this thing will be godly.

    The CV can still be flown without RCS at tier 1, but turns very slowly; which is intended.
    It's a massive aircraft, not an all-axis spacefighter.
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    16 Desertdawn_2019-11-08_18-43-29.png

    16 Desertdawn_2019-11-08_23-50-27.png

    16 Desertdawn_2019-11-08_23-50-27.png

    Attached Files:

    SacredGlade and Vermillion like this.
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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