Fixed Getting "Client Exception" warnings in the log once in a while [06356]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Kenny_66, May 16, 2019.

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  1. Kenny_66

    Kenny_66 Lieutenant

    May 3, 2018
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    Client Exception is my best guess based on "ClientExc from CId=40, EId=30831," being in there.

    Version : Exp 10
    Server Type : Dedicated Server

    15-22:43:03.232 15_43 -LOG- GameOptions: Using dataset 'MP, Survival' for condition 'Survival, MP'
    15-22:44:03.220 15_44 -LOG- Uptime=31h12m heap= 201MB fps= 20 players= 6 pfs=r0/i3/a2 nwqueue=0
    15-22:44:03.220 15_44 -LOG- INFO RakNet(from last log): sent 4.60 MB received 263.65 KB in send buffer: 0 B

    15-22:44:03.231 15_44 -LOG- GameOptions: Using dataset 'MP, Survival' for condition 'Survival, MP'
    15-22:44:30.166 15_44 -WRN- ClientExc from CId=40, EId=30831, 76561198059176610/=/'Shadow': IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
    c2446_at Assembly-CSharp.EmulatorTokenStreamDesigner.TestDeployment () (at <e49c1eb3dc074caa92c915962e4f1062>:0)
    c2446_at Assembly-CSharp.EmulatorTokenStreamDesigner.RemoveForm (TerrainEngineInstancing.DecorationInstancingProcessor , UnityEngine.Vector3 ) (at <e49c1eb3dc074caa92c915962e4f1062>:0)
    c2446_at TerrainEngineInstancing.DecorationInstancingProcessor.AllocateDeployment (Assembly-CSharp.ViewContextStreamDesigner ) (at <e49c1eb3dc074caa92c915962e4f1062>:0)
    c2446_at UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception)
    c2446_at TerrainEngineInstancing.DecorationInstancingProcessor:AllocateDeployment(ViewContextStreamDesigner)
    c2446_at TerrainEngineInstancing.DecorationInstancingProcessor:AllocateDeployment()
    c2446_at System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart()

    15-22:45:03.250 15_45 -LOG- Uptime=31h13m heap= 203MB fps= 20 players= 6 pfs=r0/i3/a2 nwqueue=0
    15-22:45:03.250 15_45 -LOG- INFO RakNet(from last log): sent 3.13 MB received 277.81 KB in send buffer: 0 B
  2. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Zip the log file and upload whole log please
  3. Kenny_66

    Kenny_66 Lieutenant

    May 3, 2018
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    Log attached.

    Attached Files:

  4. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Filed, Thank u
  5. Kenny_66

    Kenny_66 Lieutenant

    May 3, 2018
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    It happened again and I asked the player what they were doing at the time.

    He said he was driving along in his HV and his game client froze. He had to kill it from task manager and restart.
  6. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Fixed in the NEXT Update => Please try again
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