GUI and Signal Logic Control Functionality

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by sheepchase, Jun 28, 2023.

  1. sheepchase

    sheepchase Ensign

    Jun 21, 2023
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    Signal logic needs more comprehensive integration, along with the GUI for controlling and managing devices.

    More blocks should have signal logic functionality along with GUI control functionality. On/Off control and signal logic implementation is integrated into device blocks inconsistently.

    There are blocks with power drain or production, or resource production that have neither GUI or signal logic functionality to turn them on or off at all - which leaves the only option to remove them from a grid until they're needed, when there are other blocks which utilize power that have functionality to turn them on and off.

    These erroneous omissions make the use of grid device control and signal logic gates in this game half-baked. All-together this represents a pattern of lazy mechanics implementation.

    Some quick examples:

    Oxygen Ventilators
    Solar Panels
    Landing Gears
    Grid Tools such as Drills and Lasers

    Furthermore, the device list is convoluted and unintuitive to navigate and use.

    There should be a dedicated section of the P menu for production, which takes you to your production devices in their own dedicated section quickly and easily, while maintaining their device list placement for signal logic.

    The device list should allow for multiple selections of devices for applying specific signal logic signals all at once, along with other functionalities within that menu, such as power state - as opposed to this only being possible by the group categories, which only works with shortcuts as opposed to signals, anyways; another example of inconsistency of mechanic implementation.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2023

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