Handling of different version save games should be better

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Ian Einman, May 31, 2019.

  1. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Applies to all versions up to and including 10.0.

    It is a reasonable position to not support backwards compatibility with older alpha versions, or experimental versions. However, your handling of different version save games is not good and creates headaches for people trying to test experimental versions, go back and forth between versions, etc. Sure, this is alpha but I think it is something you must hammer out before you go beta or release, you can't ignore it forever.

    Savegames created with a newer version of Empyrion should not be shown as CORRUPT. The version should be stored in the save game, and if it is from a newer incompatible version, then they should just be filtered out of the list. Same with blueprints.

    If "game.dat" is a binary file that you can't always easily parse, then dump some sort of simple .yaml file in the root folder with a format that NEVER changes, and includes the major version and build number the game was last saved with.

    I think in general you should make greater effort to import older version save games when possible. Sure, you don't HAVE to for alpha, but people are going to expect it when the game goes live, users will not tolerate throwing away all save games everytime you release a new feature. So you should be refining the process of running conversion code from old versions to new. It was reasonable to chuck Alpha7 savegames when the planets changes so much in Alpha8, but I think since then there's no reason to have chucked the old savegame format so much, instead of upgrading it.

    When a file is loaded/converted from an older major version, you should back up the old savegame as a ZIP file so people can get it back if it gets corrupted. (Actually, you should consider keeping the last few times the game was saved as ZIP backups, so that if something goes horribly wrong with the game they can conceivably recover their game.)

    If the same game version changes so much in alpha/experimental that a file cannot be loaded/converted correctly (e.g. playfield format massively changes), then it should either be filtered out of the list, or at the very least, when loading it you should get a warning, e.g. "This file is from version 8.0 and may be corrupted if you continue".

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