I just released a new scenario for single player or co-op. Below is the description. Please give it a try if you wish you had a scenario just like this but couldn't find one. I looked and looked for one and finally gave up and made one. It's my first, so be kind I wanted to play a default random game in survival that I found difficult. Something challenging to someone who knew how to play. I also wanted the early game to be more about surviving the environment rather than the Zirax. I couldn't find anything hard enough, so I made my own. Now I can start my scenario and feel an on-the-edge-of-your-seat challenge everytime I try it. I took the Aqua Omicron Scenario and made a few changes while trying to keep the random replayability. I play tested over and over to get the balance right between fun and pain. Specifically: 1. Omicron is the only starter planet and it's Arid. 2. There are very little resources and the environment is REALLY hoping you don't survive. 3. 80% chance of surviving your first day... if you are experienced with this scenario. First couple times you will die. 4. It's meant to be played in Hard Core Mode. No dying, no respawn! Restart if you fail and try again. 5. There is a moon and planet within SV jump distance. Both also have low resources. 6. Only the starter planet, starter moon, starter space and second planet are custom which should make it easy to keep up to date with newer versions of Empyrion. 7. All custom playfields are built with randomness and replayability in mind. 8. There is a nascent moon and a swamp planet included in the sectors. I have not played this in Co-op a lot, only in early versions. What I do know is that if you try to stick together in the beginning, you will die. There are not enough resources in any one direction for more than one player. At the same time, there are not enough resources for a duplicate of everything. You must share. Just don't try until after the second day of survival. I do want to make the mid to late game more interesting and purposeful but might have to wait for later versions and for Eleon to add some capability. For example I would like a "domination" winning condition so that you have a reason to take out each POI. I would also like to add custom POI's that would lead you to an end goal. The solar system sectors are already setup for that. Enjoy Version 1.0 and give me some feedback. And if you are having a hard time figuring out how to survive, all I can say is, move faster! There's no time to dilly dally. In one heartbreaking attempt, life and death was only a difference of 10 seconds (watching the O2 generator count down). Thanks. Below are links to the blueprints I optimized for my survival. You might want to try them until you figure out your own method/style. I place my base, then get the SoulShard and zip around the planet mapping out the interesting bits and mining. Then spawn SoulFang and go to the moon. Once I am ready to leave the planet, I make a cheap CV (Kabuie) and attach SoulSpace to carry everytthing. SoulStarter XS (BASE) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1528306642 SoulFang (SV) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1528306326 SoulShard (HV) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1528305089 SoulSpace (Cargo HV) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1528305167 Kabluie (CV) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1528351331 SoulGrowth (Farm) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1528350994