Hello from Bavaria

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Philipp, Sep 3, 2016.

  1. Philipp

    Philipp Captain

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Hi @ all, after some days in this forum i saw this nice "Introductions" site.

    okay first of all: Sorry for my bad english, i'm from Germany (Bavaria) and still learning english, so i write something wrong, please be kind :)

    what can i tell you about myself?

    I'm a 24 year old musician, and bevore i started playing Empyrion i played a Zombie-Survival-Sandbox-Game called "7 Days to Die" (also in Alpha).

    Since i'm a child i love space and other planets and all those things, i watched a lot of NASA-documentations and videos and i also always loved to play "Space-Games".

    After playing "7 Days to Die" i felt in love with the "survival"-thing and 7-Days is a really great game, but i love space a bit more than zombies and when i first heard of Empyrion (maybe about 3 Weeks ago) it was like a small dream come true.

    Survial in space, with other planets and you could build your own vessels and bases .. yeah i think i don't have to tell you what you can do in this awesome game ;)

    beside my musician-thing i also write (very small) computer-games and love to play as often as i can :)
    The most gaming-fun i have when i play together with my girlfriend and (god thanks) she loves to play, too :)

    I think thats enough for a first "hello", see u in space!

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