High Ping Issues

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Whiteheat, Nov 12, 2020.

  1. Whiteheat

    Whiteheat Ensign

    Nov 12, 2020
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    One of Eleons goals was to have interconnected servers responsible for part of the whole galaxy. The following type of issue will definitely stop that from being achieved until they can "fix" or flatten out responses for high ping and low ping players.
    The issue is that when you get a disconnection or high ping message it totally blocks movement controls for up to several minutes!

    Movement may be blocked, but everything else is all working! Chat messages are flowing and if you had the chat window open when the popup appeared then you can still type in chat and get answers! Same if you have map window open you can still navigate that too!
    From this it would seem that several "communication channels" are used - 1 for chat, 1 for command, 1 for server messages (that arent the disconnection messages) etc. So why block the command channel for what is essentially a warning message?
    Why not have it appear in top right like other warning messages? In PVP this is death as you can only sit there and WATCH your ship get destroyed. If there was an actual disconnection then how can you still see everything happening around you? Also if it is just the command channel that is the actual issue then how come it isnt as robust/fault tolerant as the other channels?
  2. Whiteheat

    Whiteheat Ensign

    Nov 12, 2020
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