So I'm trying to find very large (or large) deposits to put auto miners on (specifically Esterium, Zascosium and Silicon). Now having explored many planets, I'm wondering if there's a better way? I don't want to randomly choose a system, randomly choose a planet, choose a random direction and fly 400m within every damn resource to find the things I'm looking for. Is there a way to read the star map, a way to read planet info or any indicators to help narrow down planets with Z/E and ones that will likely have high yield deposits???
You can see what resources a planet or orbit/sector may have from the solar system map. And you'll learn what planet types do have erestrum and zascosium (such as lava).
Well I'm asking for the short and simple here, I've not really noticed a correlation between resources and planets so far. Nor have I found a correlation between deposit size and planet details so far. I have over 3k hours and maybe I'm just blind to the pattern.
Each moon and planet type has deposits set in its playfield_static file. With few exceptions, each planet type will always have the same types of ore deposits present. I don't remember what planets have which ores, but I do know any lava world does have both erestrum and zascosium.